본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
A small body in space orbits a large one (like a planet around the sun) along an elliptical path, with the large body being located at one of the ellipse foci.
Two bodies with similar mass orbiting around a common barycenter with elliptic orbits.

In astrodynamics or celestial mechanics an elliptic orbit is a Kepler orbit with the eccentricity greater than 0 and less than 1. In a gravitational two-body problem with the eccentricity in this range both bodies follow similar elliptic orbits with the same orbital period around their common barycenter. Also the relative position of one body with respect to the other follows an elliptic orbit.

Specific energy of an elliptical orbit is negative. An orbit with an eccentricity of 0 is a circular orbit. Examples of elliptic orbits include: Hohmann transfer orbit, Molniya orbit and tundra orbit.



Under standard assumptions the orbital speed () of a body traveling along elliptic orbit can be computed from the Vis-viva equation as:

Orbital period


Under standard assumptions the orbital period () of a body traveling along an elliptic orbit can be computed as:





Under standard assumptions, specific orbital energy () of elliptic orbit is negative and the orbital energy conservation equation (the Vis-viva equation) for this orbit can take the form:



Using the virial theorem we find:

  • the time-average of the specific potential energy is equal to 2ε
    • the time-average of r-1 is a-1
  • the time-average of the specific kinetic energy is equal to -ε

Flight path angle



Equation of motion

See orbit equation

Orbital parameters


The state of an orbiting body at any given time is defined by the orbiting body's position and velocity with respect to the central body, which can be represented by the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates (position of the orbiting body represented by x, y, and z) and the similar Cartesian components of the orbiting body's velocity. This set of six variables, together with time, are called the orbital state vectors. Given the masses of the two bodies they determine the full orbit. The two most general cases with these 6 degrees of freedom are the elliptic and the hyperbolic orbit. Special cases with less degrees of freedom are the circular and parabolic orbit.

Because at least six variables are absolutely required to completely represent an elliptic orbit with this set of parameters, then six variables are required to represent an orbit with any set of parameters. Another set of six parameters that are commonly used are the orbital elements.

Solar system


In the Solar System, planets, asteroids, comets and space debris have elliptical orbits around the Sun, relative to the Sun.

Moons have an elliptic orbit around their planet.

Many artificial satellites have various elliptic orbits around the Earth.

See also

