Kenshi Wiki

Swamp Turtles are tall, passive creatures that quietly roam the swamplands at a glacially slow pace. They have wrinkly, mossy green skin, long snouts, and wide "shells" that resemble a mushroom cap. These gentle giants are entirely peaceful unless attacked. They drop enormous amounts of meat, if one can bring oneself to assault such a noble beast.

Swamp Turtles can be found alone or in pairs in The Swamp. In the South Wetlands, they can be found in groups of 6.


Attributes Level
Melee Attack 10
Melee Defence 10
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Toughness 10
Martial Arts 1
Athletics 10
Stats randomize by 3
Teen (0.40x) 16 days
Adult (0.60x) 24 days
Elder (1.10x) 44 days

The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Players should be aware that animal characters level up as they grow, and may be stronger or weaker depending on their current age.
Death Items
Removing these items from the creature will kill it instantly.

Item Quantity Average Price
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 14 60

Health Statistics[]

Swamp Turtles have a blood colour of 128 0 0 RGB.

  • Hunger rate: 1
  • Vision Range mult: 0.5
  • Blood: 101-196
  • Bleed rate: 1
  • Heal rate: 1
  • Extra attack slots: 1


  • Speed: 4-8 mph
  • Combat Move Speed Mult: 2
  • Pathfind Footprint Radius : 25


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting
Head 35-161.5 100
Chest 35-161.5 100
Stomach 35-161.5 100
Right Arm 35-161.5 100
Left Arm 35-161.5 100
Right Leg 35-161.5 100
Left Leg 35-161.5 100



  • Swamp Turtles appear mostly in the area around the swamp: Burning Forest, South Wetlands, The Swamp, and The Unwanted Zone

Spawn Groups[]

  • Swamp Turtle Herd (5-12 Adults, 0-3 Pups, South Wetlands)
  • Swamp Turtle Squad (1-3 Adults)


  • Unlike all other animals in Kenshi Swamp Turtles do not have a weapon assigned to them. Because of this the game instead gives them a random ancient quality weapon instead. (Due to this you'll find Swamp Turtles with + and - attack/defense depending on which weapon they spawned with).
  • Swamp Turtles also have an incorrect attack animation assigned to them. This means that, when players do take damage from them, they do not actually see the attack animation play. The attack animation also somewhat determines what type of attack the Swamp Turtles have, which in this case is supposed to be a stomp AoE attack. The mod, Swamp Turtle FIX, resolves this issue by changing the attack animation to the correct one. Please note that by using the mod Swamp Turtles will be MUCH more dangerous.

