
Developing network related libraries in Haskell in 2022FY

This article is my annual report of 2022FY(fiscal year in Japan; from April 2022 to March 2023). My mission in IIJ is contribute to standardizations of new network protocols by their implementations. As you may know, I maintain some networ…

Implementing HTTP/3 in Haskell is now speaking HTTP/3 (HTTP/2 over QUIC). If you gain access to the site using Firefox Nightly, the first connection would be HTTP/2 then the following connections should be HTTP/3 led by Alt-Svc:. Firefox Nightly This article exp…

Implementing graceful-close in Haskell network library

Closing connections gracefully is an old and new problem in network programming. In the HTTP/1.1 days, this did not get attention since HTTP/1.1 is a synchronous protocol. However, as Niklas Hambüchen concretely and completely explained, H…

HTTP/2 server library in Haskell

I'm trying to develop QUIC in Haskell. In short, QUIC is a fast and reliable transport protocol based on UDP. You can think of it as TCP2. HTTP/2 over QUIC is now called HTTP/3. Two level dispatchings are necessary for QUIC: Dispatching QU…

h2load を使おう

これはhttp2 Advent Calendar 2015の25日目の記事です。これまで web サーバのスループットを図るには weighttp が定番でしたが、これから h2load を使いましょう。h2load は、nghttp2と一緒に配布されているベンチマークツールです。以下のような特徴があり…