Juniper Lee Wiki

Hi everyone!

This is your friendly neighborhood admin WhammyElf to announce that I've re-opened the blog posts feature as I think it would add a little fun and more freedom to the wikia.

So now, if you want to make a topic about a specific thing but have found the forums to be lacking and want to be a single author of a topic, you can post it on your blog!

Here's more reasons for why blog posts are cool from the Community Wikia:

Blogs are different than a typical article in that they are not intended to be a collaboratively written pieces of content, but instead a single user's composition. The idea is to give people a different way to express themselves in their community

Some examples of why a user would write a blog article instead of a traditional wiki article are to write:

  • Fan fiction or original work on an otherwise canon community
  • Op-eds or tell personal stories
  • Articles that pose questions and solicit responses
  • Reviews, suggestions or recommendations

Of course, it's entirely up to the community here to decide how it gets used but I believe we will put the feature to good use so here's to more users blogging!

{check out: 11:23, January 5, 2018 (UTC)}