Juniper Lee Wiki
Michael Lee

Gender: Male
Species: Human-Magical mixed
(though does not possess any magic)
Hair color:       black
Eye color:       black
Personal Information
  Orchid Bay City
  Human world
Unknown father (deceased)
Jasmine Lee (mother)
Rose (maternal aunt)
Lily (maternal aunt)
Barbara Lee
Dennis (firstborn son)
Juniper (only daughter)
Ray-Ray (youngest son)
Production Information
First Appearance:
  Not in My Backyard
Last Appearance:
  Little Big Mah
Voiced by:
Carlos Alazraqui

Michael Lee is Juniper, Ray Ray and Dennis' father and the husband of Barbara Lee, and a recurrent character in the series.

Michael is mostly calm and easy-going and seems to be an office-working type of adult. He is mostly an oblivious and chipper dad but can get a bit snarky at times. He enjoys going out with his wife when they have time off, such as musicals on ice. He has also been seen going camping with his own family as well as the family of his co-worker Mr. Radcliffe, Roger's dad, with whom Michael has a slight one-sided rivalry.

As Jasmine Lee's only child, Michael was expected to take her place as the Te Xuan Ze but he never developed any powers or abilities and remains not allowed to know about the magical creatures. His mother never completely lost her hopes that he'd become the next Te Xuan Ze until his daughter Juniper gained abilities of her own.[1]

Michael has altogether appeared in three, five and four episodes per season respectively.[2]


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]


