Meeting on "Hallowed Ground" to discuss the release of Kordoth from banishment.
The Demoness opening the meeting about Kordoth's banishment.
the Demoness frustrated with her underlings.
June with hair rollers[1] June with a hairstyle reminiscent of princess Leia from Star Wars.
June with Marge's hairstyle
June's mom Barbara helping June hide her zit on
picture day.
Ophelia drinking something from a cup while Jody prepares for her picture to be taken.
Ophelia in the picture day queue with iced tea and stained teeth.
Jody in shock over Ophelia's teeth.
Roger, June, Ophelia and Jody in the picture day line.
Ophelia with no regard whatsoever for common picture day decency.
Ray Ray being dragged away after sneaking in an Abe Lincoln costume to picture day.
The Demoness telling her henchmonster to be back soon.
Roger ready for his picture to be taken.
Jody helping out June with a pimple.
Jody's picture day photo being used for magic.
Ray Ray watching Boomfist's show on TV. Boomgirl is briefly seen.
"June" goes to ask Monroe about learning history of magic.
Monroe reading the Te Xuan Ze book of magic, history and spells.
[2]Jody's evil clone angry at Roger's evil clone.
June's evil clone retaliating for her boss.
June vs June: Evil clone pulls out an amulet.
"...You took stuff from my room?"
"...and I'm wearing your new earrings."
June taken aback by response.
June angered by her evil clone.
Monroe can't tell between the two Junes.
Ray Ray taking the Banishing stone from Monroe instead to banish June's evil clone.
Ray Ray can't tell between the Junes either.
June and Ray Ray's photo at the end of the re-take day.