2012年 10月 12日
Ulrike Haage + Eric Schaefer 公演 - 日記 - 芭蕉 |
Ulrike Haage + Eric Schaefer 公演まであと8日となった。
京都滞在中の彼等だが、Ulrike の公式サイトにある「日記」に京都や近辺の記述が幾つか見える。
Genjuan is the name of the cottage where, in 1690, Basho lived for a while and wrote one of his most famous haibun. One of the voluntary caretakers of the reconstructed hut is devoutly reading a haiku of Basho to us. I later came across an impressive view from the Hondoh of the Ishiyama temple – my personal Wabi-sabi of today. In the inner structure remains the “Room of Genji” in which Lady Murasaki wrote one of the world’s earliest novels “The Tale of Genji”.
京都滞在中の彼等だが、Ulrike の公式サイトにある「日記」に京都や近辺の記述が幾つか見える。
Genjuan is the name of the cottage where, in 1690, Basho lived for a while and wrote one of his most famous haibun. One of the voluntary caretakers of the reconstructed hut is devoutly reading a haiku of Basho to us. I later came across an impressive view from the Hondoh of the Ishiyama temple – my personal Wabi-sabi of today. In the inner structure remains the “Room of Genji” in which Lady Murasaki wrote one of the world’s earliest novels “The Tale of Genji”.
by invs
| 2012-10-12 12:56
| U.Haage/E.Schaefer