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Created on 2009-04-14 10:00:42 (#57045), last updated 2022-04-21 (143 weeks ago)
6,394 comments received, 1,703 comments posted
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Name: | ineptshieldmaid |
Birthdate: | Nov 6 |
Location: | (states/regions/territories) |
Hi, my name's Inept, and I am a dork. I love wordplay and I put far too many obscure medieval references in my fic.
If you happen to know me by my usual online handle, I politely ask that you feign ignorance, for the sake of what little credibility I have under that name.
If you happen to know me by my usual online handle, I politely ask that you feign ignorance, for the sake of what little credibility I have under that name.
anne of green gables, aravis, arthur, bare: a pop opera, beowulf, c.s. lewis, camelot, caspian, chaucer, chevalier au lion, chretien de troyes, crucible trilogy, dogma, dr seuss, edmund pevensie, fantasy, femslash, galahad, gawain, gospel of nichodemus, guinevere, hagiography, j.r.r. tolkien, l.m. montgomery, lord of the rings, lucy pevensie, malory, medieval literature, middle english, narnia, neil gaiman, old english, old french, peter pevensie, polly plummer, rent, robin hobb, sara douglass, sggk, slash, susan pevensie, tamora pierce, terry pratchett, walter blythe, yvain
People [View Entries]
adelheid, alexseanchai, anenko, ashen_key, ashmusing, be_themoon, bedlamsbard, boosette, burntcopper, byzantienne, cesy, challyzatb, cursor_mundi, daffodilperfect, dragonlady7, edenfalling, ex_spaceman165, fahye, flirtyfroggy, harpers_child, jamethiel, jitkajaylor, kayloulee, lefaym, lotesse, medie, meredyth, minoanmiss, monksandbones, naraht, niyalune, peroxidepirate, pleonasm, rose71, rymenhild, serenadestrong, shy_magpie, strina, such_heights, suncani, thebookewyrme, toujours_nigel, tree_and_leaf, viklikesfic, wrabbit
[] bedlamsbard
adelheid, aleathiel,, anachronisma, ang3lsh1, angevin, ashen_key, ashmusing, authocracy, be_themoon, bedlamsbard,, bookshop, breathedout, brightthunder, byzantienne, celandineb, challyzatb, clare328,, clavicular, copperbadge, cursor_mundi, dragonlady7, eccentric_hat, eosrose, fahye, flirtyfroggy, gblvr, genarti, harpers_child, inflammatori, jamethiel, juliet, kayloulee, ladyvivien, lastwingedthing, lavendertook, lazaefair, lazaefair_archive, lefaym, lemonsharks, lesserstorm, lilith_lessfair, littlestclouds, lotesse, medie, meredyth, merelydovely, metonomia, monksandbones, nabsy, niamh_sage, niyalune, northern, noxie, owlboy, peroxidepirate, phrasemuffin, pickleweasel, realpestilence, rose71, rymenhild, sam_storyteller, sangerin, scribe, serenadestrong, sgrio,, shy_magpie, sixthlight, strina, such_heights, suncani, teaphile, thebookewyrme, thingswithwings, toft, toujours_nigel, tree_and_leaf, twtd, unvarnishedtale, vicky_v, viklikesfic, wendelah1, why_am_i, whynot, wrabbit, xxlucyferxx
adelheid, alexseanchai, alyndra, anachronisma, analise010, ashmusing, azephirin, be_themoon, bedlamsbard, bookshop, boosette, breathedout, brightthunder, burntcopper, byzantienne, celandineb, cesperanza, challyzatb, cherrybina, chestnut_pod, clare328, clavicular, copperbadge, cursor_mundi, denise, dira, dodificus, dogstar, dragonlady7, eccentric_hat, edenfalling, edgewitch, eosrose, ex_spaceman165, exasperative, fahye, flirtyfroggy, gblvr, gloss, harpers_child, impertinence, inflammatori, ithiliana, jamethiel, jitkajaylor, jottingprosaist, juniperphoenix, kadnarim, katsitting, kayloulee, ladyvivien, laeria, lastwingedthing, lazaefair, lazaefair_archive, lefaym, lemonsharks, lilith_lessfair, littlelostcat, lizbee, lotesse, majoline, medie, meredyth, merelydovely, minoanmiss, moetushie, mrs_d, muccamukk, nabsy, naraht, niamh_sage, niyalune, noracharles, northern, novembermond, noxie, owlboy, pennyplainknits, peroxidepirate, phrasemuffin, pickleweasel, pleonasm, potofsoup, prillalar, randomreader, rather_a_lark, realpestilence, rhivolution, rose71, rymenhild, sam_storyteller, sangerin, scribe, seperis, serenadestrong, shy_magpie, sixthlight, skellerbvvt, skytintedwater, staranise, strina, such_heights, suncani, synecdochic, teaphile, thebookewyrme, toft, toujours_nigel, tree_and_leaf, trojie, twtd, unvarnishedtale, vass, vicky_v, viklikesfic, wendelah1, why_am_i, whynot, wrabbit
adelheid, aidenfire, aleathiel,, alyndra, anachronisma, anenko, ang3lsh1, angevin, ashen_key, ashmusing, authocracy, balthesar, be_themoon, bedlamsbard, bliumchik, breathedout, brightthunder, byzantienne, celandineb, cesy, challyzatb, chestnut_pod, childoffantasy, christycorr, clare328,, clavicular, coriana, cursor_mundi, dodificus, dragon, dragonlady7, eccentric_hat, edenfalling, edgewitch, eosrose, fahye, fiamaya, flirtyfroggy, freckles_and_doubt, gblvr, genarti, harpers_child, inflammatori, jamethiel, jitkajaylor, jottingprosaist, juliet, kadnarim, katsitting, kayloulee, ladyvivien, laeria, lastwingedthing, lavendertook, lazaefair, lazaefair_archive, lefaym, lemonsharks, lesserstorm, levitsa, lilith_lessfair, littlelostcat, littlestclouds, lotesse, majoline, marycontrary, medie, meredyth, merelydovely, metonomia, minoanmiss, moetushie, monksandbones, mrs_d, nabsy, naraht, niamh_sage, niyalune, northern, novembermond, nsmorig, owlboy, peroxidepirate, phrasemuffin, pickleweasel, potofsoup, prillalar, randomreader, rather_a_lark, realpestilence, rhivolution, rose71, rymenhild, sangerin, saxonvoter, scribe, serenadestrong, sgrio,, shy_magpie, sixthlight, skellerbvvt, stepps, strina, subsequent, such_heights, suncani, teaphile, thebookewyrme, thelightofthemoon, thingswithwings, toujours_nigel, tree_and_leaf, twtd, unvarnishedtale, vcmw, viklikesfic, wendelah1, why_am_i, whynot, wrabbit, xxlucyferxx, ysabetwordsmith
Communities [View Entries]
a_sky_full_of_stars, alwaysaqueen, amplificathon, ao3some, arthurian_fic, avengersblend, awesomeuhura, camelot_fleet, chromatic_fanfic, dwfiction, fancake, fictional_fans, girlgay, hooked_on_heroines, icons, inception, kirk_spock, lettherebelove, merlin, merlinslash, metaquotes, msgaila_toyou, ncc_1701, queerlygen, rarelitfic, shareandsharealike, shes_awesome, singularity, sinpozium, so_sue_me, suluismycaptain, the_great_tumblr_purge, thevault, tortall, underheard, vidding, white_collar, yuletide, yurionicefans
alwaysaqueen, amplificathon, ao3some, arthurian_fic, awesomeuhura, camelot_fleet, chromatic_fanfic, dw_maintenance, dw_news, dwfiction, extribulumpress, fictional_fans, hooked_on_heroines, inception, journalmemes, kirk_spock, ladiesbigbang, merlin, merlinslash, metaquotes, msgaila_toyou, ncc_1701, queerlygen, rarelitfic, rareshipsonice, shareandsharealike, singularity, sinpozium, snowflake_challenge, so_sue_me, suluismycaptain, tortall, underheard, vidding, white_collar, yuletide
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