
From IndieWeb

stapibas is an open source standalone linkback server written in PHP, storing data in MySQL.


  • Receive webmentions and pingbacks
    • Stores them in a SQL database
    • Sends a mail for incoming linkbacks
  • Send out webmentions/pingbacks to each link in an Atom feed's content parts

Linkback status display

  • Status display is activated via a bookmarklet that injects a javascript into the current site
  • Every link gets a colored icon appended, depending on its status
  • Hovering a link displays a popup with linkback details

Source code


Indieweb enthusiasts using it on their primary site:


Linkback info popup

Open Source IndieWeb related projects and tools
Topics Why open source?How to open source a projectOpen for contributionsIndieWeb Principles
PHP (See LAMP) b2evolutionCASSISKnownFalcon (portions) • p3kstapibasdobradoGravMiniflux-legacyProcessWireReader SelfTextpatterntt-rssTwyneTYPO3
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