Welcome to the planning page for future IndieWebCamps!
The IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, Popups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page.
See individual IndieWebCamp home pages (typically /Year/City ) for specific camp planning. Related:
- IndieWebCamp Organizing to learn what it takes to plan and organize an IndieWebCamp?
- Pop-ups to see or propose more Popup sessions for 2025
There are no currently tickets-open in-person IndieWebCamps. Stay tuned!
Also check out the upcoming online IndieWebCamp pop-ups and RSVP!
Save Dates
The following IndieWebCamps have a confirmed date and venue, start planning travel! Tickets opening up soon!
- ...
One Preferred Or Workable Date
The following IndieWebCamp(s) being planned have only one preferred or workable date, as proposed. Save the dates in your calendar. We cannot confirm these dates at this time though, so wait on booking any travel!
- 2025-05-03…04 IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2025 the Saturday & Sunday immediately before btconf Düsseldorf 2025
- 2025-11-08…09 IndieWebCamp Berlin 2025 the Saturday & Sunday immediately after btconf Berlin 2025
- ...
Let's plan 2025 IndieWebCamps!
The IndieWebCamps in following subsections are currently being planned and need help figuring out a date - help co-organize!
We had a few in-person IndieWebCamps in 2021-2024, most of them Germany and one in San Diego, so let’s continue planning those, and we should try to plan an in-person IndieWeb Summit 2025, keeping in mind vaccinations, and regional Covid case rates. See IndieWebCamp Organizing: COVID precautions for more.
Let’s also continue planning online IndieWebCamps and single topic pop-ups, perhaps focused on particular timezones.
- If you're interested in hosting an online camp or pop-up, go to Pop-up Planning page and write a stub for your event, or ask for help in the IndieWeb chat.
Locking in dates as far in advance as possible helps encourage the most attendance, especially farther away from venues/cities.
General planning date notes:
- November first half is the likely last chance to plan an IndieWebCamp for the year.
- December is tough due to holidays and lots of other events
2025 Holidays to keep in mind while planning
- 2025-01-01 New Year's Day
- 2025-02-14 Valentine's Day (Monday)
- 2025-02-17 US President's Day
- 2025-04-20 Easter
- 2025-05-05…06 btconf Düsseldorf
- 2025-05-25 US Memorial Day
- 2025-06-19 Juneteenth
- 2025-06-28…29 Pride (SF, Seattle)
- 2025-07-04 US Fourth of July (Thursday)
- 2025-09-01 US Labor Day
- 2025-09-22 Rosh Hashanah
- 2025-10-01…02 Yom Kippur
- 2025-10-31 Halloween
- 2025-11-06…07 btconf Berlin
- 2025-11-27 US Thanksgiving
- 2025-11-28 US Black Friday
- 2025-12-24 Christmas Eve
- 2025-12-25 Christmas Day
- 2025-12-31 New Years Eve
- ... insert others in date order
2025 events to plan adjacent to or avoid colliding with:
- April
Dr. Matt Lee's planning an event in April/May that IWC would be a part of, so #Cambridge_MA
- 7-8: W3C AC meeting, Sophia Antipolis, France (followed by AB meeting 9-10th April)
- May
- 5-6: btconf #Düsseldorf
- ...
- November
- December
- possibly #San_Diego
Keeping that in mind:
If you live in one of the cities / states / countries below and are interested, add your name!
If you know of a suitable venue for hosting, add that as a possibility.
If you have a particular month of the year to recommend, add that!
Please offer your opinion/preference with a nested list item and +1/0/-1 signed!
IndieWebCamps below are listed in order roughly by how "real" they appear for a specific city based on a few fuzzy criteria in rough order:
- likely/confirmed co-organizers (especially local to the city co-organizers)
- 2+ required, preferably 3-4 total
- at least one (preferably 2) that is (are) regularly active in chat (IRC/Slack)
- preferably at least 1 experienced organizer of a past successful IndieWebCamp
- likely/confirmed venue
- likely/confirmed dates
- candidate dates (adjacent to an existing event folks would go to)
- interest level of folks in those candidate dates
Other 2025 Events
- 2025-04-04 Proposal: a "404" day to recognize missing pages/sites on 4/4. Previously: 2018-04-04 HWC, and 2013 proposal
- 2025-04-10 Proposal: a "410" day to recognize deleted pages/sites on 4/10. Previously: 2018-04-10 HWC
- 2025-04-18 Proposal: a "418" day to have tea & scones. Previously: 2018-04-18 HWC
Cambridge MA
Previous event: 2016/MIT2
- anyone have a connection to Microsoft NERD research campus?
- other options?
- let's try to avoid re-using MIT, plus W3C has moved out of MIT so we no longer have that connection
Dr. Matt Lee is looking at venues
Can help co-organize:
Dr. Matt Lee — local to the city
- ... ping @mattl on #indieweb-events chat!
Interested in participating!
Tantek Çelik
Ben Roberts
Chris Aldrich
David Shanske
Patrick M. Niedzielski
- cwebber (via #social IRC 2017-09-26)
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible/preferred months: April/May 2025
Possible dates?
- 2025-??-??…??
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- 2025-??-??…??
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
IndieWebCamp Edinburgh!
- Previous event: 2015/Edinburgh
Venue: TBD
Ideas for venue:
- Edinburgh Futures Institute (part of the University of Edinburgh), or any other UoE campus
- CodeBase
- ...
Confirmed organizers and facilitators:
capjamesg - local-to-the-city! venue, ticketing, etc.
- Francesco (
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
previously 2019-2024 said could help co-organize:
Harry Reeder,
James Baster, and
kongaloosh (volunteered by
Amy Guy)
Ben Werdmüller
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously interested (2020-2024)
- Sven Knebel
Marcus Povey
Francesco Figari
Rosemary Orchard
Jamie Tanna
Mark Sutherland
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
The event is set for June 7th - June 8th, 2025.
The event page is
New York City
🗽 An IndieWebCamp over a weekend in NYC in the Spring!
- Previous event: 2019/NYC
Date: TBD. Spring
Venue: TBD
Ben Werdmüller local-ish (trainride away) is game to organize venue, food, logistics
David Shanske - local-ish (trainride away) can help organize, but despite decades of residency, not hooked into the tech scene or have any venue opportunities.
Marty McGuire local-to-the-city interested maybe in co-organizing
- ...
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- TBD. Spring
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Adjacent events:
- ...
🌹 IndieWebCamp Portland 2025
Planning for the 11th IndieWebCamp Portland.
Venue possibilities:
- ... nothing specific yet that we know of
Tantek Çelik — remotely (same timezone!) : can help organize an IWC Portland
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details) if you have experience organizing at least one prior IndieWebCamp, otherwise volunteer!
Poll for possible Dates:
- 2025-??-??…??
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- ... any other months/dates/cities/venues that folks could make work?
Dates — Opinions:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously: 2024/Portland
🍦 This is a placeholder for IWC Brighton 2025 planning:
Can help co-organize:
- ... - past in-person organizers, add yourselves at the top!
Tantek Çelik - remotely
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Nearby events:
- none so far
Interested in participating!
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
2024 participated:
Mark Everitt
Mark Sutherland
Paul Watson
David Shanske - Interested in seeing my UK compatriots. Needs at least a month if not two notice to make an overseas journey.
2024 was interested in participating:
Previously: 2024/Brighton
Tantek Çelik — remotely: wikifying; helping run day of
Marc Thiele — venue, some comms / promo with btconf emails / announcements
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Joschi Kuphal — sponsors wrangling, some remote participating equipment (360deg video)
- ... looking for another organizer active in IndieWeb chat channels — speak up in #meta if you're interested!
Tentative organizers:
capjamesg — wikifying, perhaps gathering / coordinating volunteers
Venue ideas?
- looking into SIPgate -
Marc Thiele
- maybe Trivago (used to sponsor BTconf, but that's been a while ago), rec. by a past participant —
Tantek Çelik to ask Marc and/or look into directly
- other past venues? (need to go back through archives and list them here to check)
- ...
Interested (prospective attendees, in addition to Organizers above)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Potential Dates:
- 2025-05-03…04 Saturday & Sunday near Beyond Tellerrand
- +1
Tantek Çelik I think these are good dates
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
Beyond Tellerrand 2025 Düsseldorf:
- 2025-05-05…06:
Conflicts / adjacent events:
- ...
🐻 Planning for IWC Berlin 2025!
Tantek Çelik — remotely: wikifying, helping run day of
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- ... looking for another organizer active in IndieWeb chat channels — speak up in #meta if you're interested
Venue ideas?
- ...
Interested (prospective attendees, in addition to Organizers above)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Potential Dates:
- 2025-11-01…02 Saturday & Sunday before Beyond Tellerrand
- +1
Tantek Çelik I could do this, and it’s a bit easier for making to W3C TPAC afterwards
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
- 2025-11-08…09 Saturday & Sunday immediately after Beyond Tellerrand
- +0
Tantek Çelik this makes the most sense for btconf folks, however it will be hard for me to get to W3C TPAC on the 10th. Still, noting this as preferred for btconf travelers
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +0
Beyond Tellerrand 2025 Berlin announced for:
- 2025-11-06…07:
Conflicts / adjacent events:
- ...
- 2025-11-10…14 W3C TPAC in Kobe, Japan
San Diego
This section is a stub. You can help the IndieWebCamp wiki by expanding it.
IndieWebCamp San Diego!
- Previous event: 2024/SD
- Previous Venues: Burn All Books & Friends Gift Shop (2024), Blackmarket Bakery (2023)
Venue: TBD
Who is interested in helping co-organize and or facilitate?
Possible dates: (first or second weekend of December worked for 2023/SD, 2024/SD)
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
Tantek Çelik — long in advance :)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
⛰️ 10th IndieWebSummit!
Planning dates and venue for an IndieWebSummit 2025, contingent on how many organizers can commit to making it happen, and our collective volunteer labor bandwidth to organize a full IndieWebSummit (which comes with higher expectations).
Venue possibilities maybe move to Seattle this year, or another city like NYC). Previously: Portland
- ... nothing specific yet that we know of
Tantek Çelik — for a Summit
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details) if you have experience organizing at least one prior IndieWebCamp, otherwise volunteer!
David Shanske
Marty McGuire
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Summit date proposals
Dates — Opinions from 2024:
Tantek Çelik — I’m up for flexible Summit scheduling (delaying a few months, like possibly as late as October if that means we can do it in-person)
David Shanske - Concur with
Tantek Çelik that it doesn't have to be in the summer necessarily. Also, we could try a split event as we've done in the past.
capjamesg - Keep me in the loop and I may attend!
Pablo Morales
Tracy Durnell - I like the idea of summer or fall when some activities can be outside!
Anthony Ciccarello - Planning to visit family in Washington in the summer. Would love to come to a summit if possible.
Ben Werdmüller - I would attend a fall summit just about anywhere. Also getting serious about a camp in NYC; could merge the two if it makes sense.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Specific dates:
Vague dates:
- 2025-?? some Saturday & Sunday
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Perennial considerations:
- Adjacent events (avoid conflicts)
- Pride weekend (last Saturday of June) in several cities "last weekend of June to cap off the month and to coincide with the anniversary of the Stonewall riots" per fluffy. Likely Seattle and San Francisco (extrapolating from past years)
- ...
🏰 2025 Possible dates:
- 2025-??-??…?? (Saturday Sunday)
- (+1/0/-1) Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- ...
- Venue: tollwerk —
Joschi Kuphal
Who is interested in helping co-organize?
Interested in participating:
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Participated in 2023:
Was interested in participating 2023:
Was interested in participating 2022
Rosemary Orchard - also happy to volunteer (especially remote participation)
Interested in participating virtually:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously: 2023/Nuremberg
Online East
IndieWebCamp East (Online)
Previous event: 2020/East
Venue: Online
Who is interested in helping co-organize and or facilitate?
David Shanske
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in helping (wiki, getting the word out etc.)
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details) (you can be on both lists :)
Possible dates:
- ... suggest something if you are a co-organizer
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Online Europe
Planning for a Europe timezone IndieWebCamp EU
Venue: Online
Who is interested in helping co-organize and or facilitate?
Jamie Tanna
David Shanske - Always up for helping out.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in helping (wiki, getting the word out etc.)
Tantek Çelik
Chris Aldrich
David Shanske
Alex Sirac
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details) (you can be on both lists :)
Interested in attending/participating:
Mark Sutherland
Alex Sirac
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ... suggest something if you are a co-organizer
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Online West
IndieWebCamp West (Online)
Previous event: 2020/West
Venue: Online
Who is interested in helping co-organize and or facilitate?
Chris Aldrich
David Shanske
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in helping (wiki, getting the word out etc.)
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details) (you can be on both lists :)
Possible dates:
- ... suggest something if you are a co-organizer
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Restart a Recent City
The following cities / venues hosted IndieWebCamps in the recent past (since 2018), however showed little or no activity in 2022 and thus are parked here until someone steps up to organize them.
Any still in this section in 2025 should be moved to Planning#Past_Cities.
If you would like to co-organize an IndieWebCamp in one of the following cities / venues, speak up in our #indieweb-meta chat channel and see if you can find a co-organizer! If you can, we’ll help with the wikifying, and move your city/venue to the 2023 section.
Notes from prior years planning attempts left in-place (or in HTML comments) in case that helps future planning.
IndieWebCamp Amsterdam!
- Previous event:2019/Amsterdam
Possible Schiphol Airport?
Ton Zijlstra
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Tantek Çelik — I can help with wiki-like stuff, perhaps even participate if we get something on the calendar
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Tantek Çelik
- Sven Knebel
Sebastiaan Andeweg likes this
Martijn van der Ven interested in attending, but no longer permanently in NL
- Sven Knebel is interested in attending
Rosemary Orchard could probably get there just as easily as anywhere else in NL
- one day, when business travel is back on,
Peter Molnar might be able to make it
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ... suggest something if you are a co-organizer
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Adjacent events:
- ...
Previous event: 2020/Austin
- Top choice at the moment: Easy Tiger East
- renting out main room + outside tables for extra breakout sessions
Who is interested in participating?
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
Reese Armstrong [[email protected]]
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- depends a lot on cases, vaccination, various folks's comfort levels
- consider perhaps organizing as a locals-centric event
- folks either not feeling safe or unwilling to travel to Texas due recent legislation (anti-abortion, anti-CRT, anti-trans, voter discrimination)
- Consider matching travel expenses with donations to progressive organizations fighting on the ground in Texas.
- Consider discussing how folx can help protect free speech and amplify BIPOC and LGBTQ+ voices through IW principles rather than simply skipping over potential host cities in red areas.
New Haven
Previous event: 2019/New Haven
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
Adjacent events:
- ...
Previous event: 2019/Oxford
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
Adjacent events:
- ...
San Francisco
This is a placeholder for IndieWebCamp SF planning or brainstorming:
Previous event: 2019/SF
Venue: need a new venue! prior venues are unavailable
Who is interested in helping co-organize?
Rosemary Orchard (assuming I am able to attend)
David Shanske - Have previously supported an SF event, circa 2019.
Pablo Morales
- ...
Interested in participating:
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- ...
Possible Dates
- ... make a suggestion if you are a co-organizer
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible Adjacent events to consider:
- Apple WWDC
Placeholder for IWC Utrecht!
Previous event: 2019/Utrecht
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating:
Rosemary Orchard
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Past Cities
The following cities / venues hosted IndieWebCamps prior to 2019 and thus are parked here until someone steps up to organize them for 2023.
If you would like to co-organize an IndieWebCamp in one of the following cities / venues, speak up in our #indieweb-meta chat channel and see if you can find a co-organizer! If you can, we’ll help with the wikifying, and move your city/venue to the 2023 section.
Previous event: 2018/Baltimore
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
Adjacent events:
- ...
Previous event: 2017/Bellingham
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
Los Angeles
IndieWebCamp LA!
- Previous event: 2016/LA
Chris Aldrich is looking into UCLA
- Yahoo! has previously expressed interest in hosting on their campus in West LA/Culver City
- DreamHost may be interested in hosting. Ask
Jonathan LaCour.
Who is interested in helping co-organize?
Chris Aldrich can help co-organize. Let's do this!
Jonathan LaCour can help co-organize.
- Srikanth Bangalore (at Oath/Yahoo)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating:
Tantek Çelik - happy to also volunteer to help out organizers
gRegor Morrill
Jonathan LaCour
- Scott Gruber
David Shanske - Wouldn't mind a group trip to Disneyland/California Adventure
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
Jacky Alciné - down to volunteer
Pablo Morales
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- Currently looking for a location and new dates for 2023+
Nearby events:
- ???
New Cities Looking For A Co-organizer
The following cities / venues have had at least one local person express interest in organizing an event or have hosted a virtual event, so are parked here until a co-organizer steps up to help organize them for 2023.
If you would like to co-organize an IndieWebCamp in one of the following cities / venues, speak up in our #indieweb-meta chat channel and see if you can find a co-organizer! If you can, we’ll help with the wikifying, and move your city/venue to the 2023 section.
Dallas/Fort Worth
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮 (Fort Worth, can do some facilitating locally)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
London England
Previous event: 2020/London
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
David Shanske
Possible dates:
- ...
Adjacent events:
- ...
London Ontario
James Shelley is interested (and looking for collaborators)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
Venue Location (Outdoor Seating with COVID precautions in mind)
- Temple Coffee - 2829 S St Sacramento, CA 95816
Who is interested in helping co-organize? We're still looking for more!! :
Pablo Morales
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Who is interested in participating?
Joe Crawford not local to Sacramento but interested
David Shanske - Always interested.
Angelo Gladding
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates: Before it gets too hot in Sacramento - April, May, Early June? Any suggestions are welcome !
- April 13-14
- April 20-21
- April 27-28, 2024
- -1 - Passover
- May 4-5, 2024
- June 1-2, 2024
- June 8-9
- ...
New Cities Folks Would Travel To
People have requested events in these cities or expressed interest in attending if there was an event. There are no current organizers for these cities, so they are parked here until an organizer steps up to gather co-organizers for them.
If you would like to co-organize an IndieWebCamp in one of the following cities / venues, speak up in our #indieweb-meta chat channel and see if you can find a co-organizer! If you can, we’ll help with the wikifying, and move your city/venue to the 2023 section.
Venue: ???
Possible venue:
Can co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously (2019?) said could organize:
Interested in participating:
Sebastiaan Andeweg: would be nice!
Neil Mather
Rosemary Orchard
Aaron Parecki
David Shanske Interested as never having visited Spain
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates: ?
Cambridge UK
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
Peter Molnar would is looking for others interested
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
- +1
Tantek Çelik
- +1
- +1
David Shanske
- +1
gRegor Morrill
- +1
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
Pablo Morales
Possible Denver venues:
- offices — need to confirm with folks from 2019, maybe 2023+?
- @thinkstudio at UC Denver (
Greg McVerry has a willing contact)
- ...
- maybe
Tantek Çelik (especially if I can draft
Aaron Parecki to help co-organize)
- need to confirm folks from 2019 can be local co-organizers
Greg McVerry
- ...
Interested in co-organizing
- folks expressed interest at Summit 2019
Tantek Çelik is interested in helping facilitate organizing
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in Attending
Tantek Çelik
David Shanske - Never been to Denver
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible Dates (Saturday & Sunday)
Adjacent events/conflicts:
- ...
Florida Miami Orlando
IndieWebCamp Florida!
Venue: ???
Can help co-organize:
Jacky Alciné
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously (2016 era?) said could help co-organize:
- Michael Bishop Tampa resident, willing to help plan a Central FL IWC if someone in Orlando area could help secure location.
- Daniel Moch Orlando resident, can start scouting locations as soon as there's consensus on a date.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
- Hector Iribarne
- southeast Florida[1]
- David Shanske
- Miami - {gwg} would be interested in attending as interest was expressed.
Tantek Çelik definitely interested in returning to Orlando
Jacky Alciné I live close to Tampa!
Tyler Gillies I go annually to Orlando [January], would be cool to have one there.
- David G. Johnson I live in Southwest Florida (Sarasota) but Tampa, Orlando or Miami are within easy driving distance. Planning to be in Miami in late Feb for WordCamp.
Shane Becker I'm interested in a Florida IWC, especially one where I can swim in the ocean or gulf easily.
- ...
Possible dates:
- Adjacent to Orlando WordCamp maybe?
- ... suggest more dates! (Possibly in conjunction with Orlando WordCamp )
Las Vegas
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
Venue: ???
Can help co-organize:
Pelle Wessman: can help settings things up with local venues and help from local conference/meetup organizers
Martijn van der Ven: currently Sweden-based and would love to assist
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating:
- Sven Knebel is interested in attending
Rosemary Orchard is interested in attending too
Aaron Parecki would love to attend, tho probably can only if it's adjacent to a conference i'm speaking at
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Maybe align with a different event? Malmöfestivalen / The Conference / Øredev?
Needs interested participants and possible dates! Would also be helpful with some additional core contributors attending, to ensure enough content at event.
Would be great to set a date 4-6 months in advance, to ensure time to plan a proper event.
Manchester UK
IndieWebCamp Manchester
Venue: The Shed? (Part of MMU)
Can help co-organize:
- Ian Forrester - can help with location/on the ground
Rosemary Orchard
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
Neil Mather
Jamie Tanna
David Shanske
Mark Sutherland
Christophe Ducamp
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- placeholder for an IWC Munich 2023!
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating:
Beko Pharm
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible Dates:
- ... suggest something if you’re a co-organizer
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Adjacent events:
- ...
Palm Springs
A potential 2023 IWC in Palm Springs, California!
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Venue: ??
- A hotel meeting room?
gRegor Morrill: I asked
Jonathan LaCour if he had any suggestions since he's in the area
Dates are currently limited to the weekends of 2023-02-19 and 2023-02-25 to coincide with capjamesg's visit. James could do the following week, if weekdays are preferred.
Anthony Ciccarello has indicated he's open to carpooling for those coming from nearby cities. Would be driving up I-215 and passing through Moreno Valley.
Interested in participating!
gRegor Morrill
Tantek Çelik
Anthony Ciccarello
Chris Aldrich
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible Dates:
- 2023-02-19
- 0
gRegor Morrill unlikely to make it
- +1
- +1
Anthony Ciccarello
- +1
Chris Aldrich
- 0
Tantek Çelik unlikely to make this date (30k the day before) but if it works for everyone else, go for it!
- -1
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮 I cannot time travel and this date has passed
- ...
- 0
- 2023-02-25
- 0
gRegor Morrill unlikely to make it
- +1
- +1
Anthony Ciccarello
- +1
Tantek Çelik
- -1
Chris Aldrich a family birthday conflict means this won't work
- -1
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮 I cannot time travel and this date has passed
- ...
- 0
Venue: ???
Ben Roberts has connections at URI
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously (~2016) said could help co-organize:
Interested in participating!
Tantek Çelik
David Shanske
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
IndieWeb meetup Interested
Jason McIntosh
Greg McVerry
- Dave Quin @eduquinn
Venue: ???
Co-organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previously (2017?) said they could co-organize, maybe reach out to see if they're still interested?
Interested in participating!
gRegor Morrill
Tantek Çelik
Chris Aldrich
David Shanske
Rosemary Orchard
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
Pablo Morales
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- Adjacent to SeaGL maybe? When are the dates this year?
- ...
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
- Possibly Mozilla Toronto — ask
Tantek Çelik about this
Organized by: ???
Interested in participating:
David Shanske (per mention in IRC 2018-07-03)
Tantek Çelik - Mozilla Toronto is a possible venue
Myles Braithwaite
Rosemary Orchard
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- ...
Vancouver BC
Venue: unknown
Who is interested in participating?
Tantek Çelik
David Shanske
Tracy Durnell
gRegor Morrill
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ... suggest something if you’re a co-organizer
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- ...
Venue: Possibly TU Wien
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating:
Rosemary Orchard
Jeremy Cherfas
Ton Zijlstra
- Sven Knebel
Marty McGuire
David Shanske
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Washington DC
Venue: TBD
Possible venues?
- School of Advanced International Studies (suggested in the past by
Chris Aldrich, will need to determine if this is still an option.
Greg McVerry has some connections with potential venues
Organized by:
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Can help co-organize:
Eddie Hinkle
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Previous people that offered to co-organize:
Jeremy Zilar (has co-organized IWC 2014/NYC and IWC 2014 in NYC)
Jason Garber can help co-organize this.
Interested in participating!
Jacob Hall would be happy to host / find a venue
David Shanske
Rosemary Orchard
🌮 Taco 🌮 Dave 🌮
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Possible dates:
- ...
And more
Australia, Central/South America, Spain/France, and more! If you are interested in additional locations, create a new section similar to above.
- ...
Help Out
Want to help out with one of those? Say something in IRC and add yourself to the page.
David Shanske is willing to help out with an IndieWebCamp, providing support and planning to the extent possible. This would include some volunteering. Depends on what is needed and when and is willing to try to work with anyone who needs help in the Northeastern United States, and possibly farther afield if sufficient notice.
Organize a camp
Want to organize an IndieWebCamp in your town and don't see it above?
Learn how to do that here: IndieWebCamp Organizing.
Organize a club meetup
Having trouble finding a co-organizer for your city or unsure how to organize an IndieWebCamp by yourself?
Start a Homebrew Website Club chapter with a meetup in your city to gather interested individuals and gauge interest in a full weekend IndieWebCamp!
Creator camp not a hackathon
Q: Is IndieWebCamp a hackathon?
A: IndieWebCamps are creator camps focused on helping everyone develop, grow, and advance their personal indieweb presence.
The term "hackathon" has become to mean some sort of short term event where a group of people come up with a typically new project to develop just for the sake of the hackathon, often in a competitive environment, and often for prizes donated by one or more sponsors.
IndieWebCamp resembles that only in the aspect of group collaboration.
- IndieWebCamp encourages you to work on and improve your existing personal site, not just a new site (unless you need a new site!)
- IndieWebCamp encourages you to work on your personal site in a way that encourages longevity and your personal use beyond the camp itself.
- IndieWebCamp focuses on collaboration instead of competition. There are all sorts of different experts at IndieWebCamp and we do our best to both ask questions of each other and help each other!
- The prize(s) you win at IndieWebCamp are your own improved personal website, hopefully with new features you can then use day-to-day after the camp has completed!
As we do "hack" on stuff (our own websites), IndieWebCamps do have a "hack day" component of it, but certainly not "hackathon" in the commonly understood "corporate hackathon" sense.
Past Planning Notes
Past planning notes can be found on each event's planning page, e.g.
- 2023/Nuremberg/Planning#Archived_Planning — for a specific IndieWebCamp
- 2018/Planning#Archived_Planning — for a specific IndieWeb Summit
To archive planning notes from this page:
- Add the event to IndieWebCamps if it isn't there already
- Add the event sub-page "Planning" if it doesn't exist yet, e.g. 2017/Planning
- Add a section
== Initial Planning ==
to the event's Planning page - Add a note in the new section "This is an archive of the initial planning for [event name], originally found here."
- Link the text "originally found here" to the latest, to an absolute URL of the specific revision of this page where the notes last appeared, fragment linked to the city section.
- Copy/paste the latest planning notes from this page
- Remove the now-archived planning notes from this page.
Past Camp Schedules
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