IndieWebCamp Online 2020
IndieWebCamp Online 2020 is -
- Register here: https://ti.to/indiewebcamp/indiewebcamp-online-2020
- More event details: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv
- Zoom Link - https://zoom.us/j/7012777223
As unlike in-person IndieWebCamps, we are asking for Session Proposals in advance, we are tentatively scheduling three sessions, with an option to add additional sessions in a single track or multiple rooms if needed.
Sessions, Keynotes, and Intros will be recorded
Proposed Schedule - Will be finalized on February 3rd. We have combined two sessions into a single period and added a fourth session.
- Keynotes and Intros 16:00 UTC, 8:00 PST, 11:00 EST, 17:00 CET
Session One 17:15 UTC, 9:15 PST, 12:15 EST 18:15 CET
- Intro to IndieWeb, Webmentions and Microformats - Building Blocks - Combined Session
- organizers:
David Shanske and
Christina Hendricks
- hashtag: #introblocks
- Description: A basic guide to the IndieWeb and its two primary protocols: Webmention and Microformats. A guide to those just starting out and how.
Session Two 18:00 UTC, 10:00 PST, 13:00 EST 19:00 CET
Note: Session maybe repeated in earlier time slot'
- Feed the Feeds
- Organizer:
Rosemary Orchard
- Facilitator
Greg McVerry
- What feeds do you have and where? How do you link to them? Is your homepage a feed and why or why not?
- #allthefeeds
- Interest:
Session Three 18:45 UTC, 10:45 PST, 13:45 EST 19:45 CET
- Collections and You
- Organizers: Maxwell Joslyn and
Greg McVerry
- #collections
- Description: Collections are groups or lists of posts with a deliberate ordering. When should you organize a feed other than by chronology?
"Session Four" 19:30UTC, 11:30 PST, 14:30 EST 20:30 CET
- Secrets of the WordPress Experts
- What is the current state of WordPress with Indieweb? What do we have, what can we do?
- #wordpresssecrets
- Interest
Hack Day
- A Zoom Room will open in each time zone at 9:00 local for collaborative work. It will not be recorded. We will have two scheduled demo times which will be recorded.
Demo Time 1 22:00 UTC, Demo Time 2 1:00 UTC
Hack Day Goals/Projects
David Shanske is adding support to read the WordPress REST API as a feed in Parse This, which will make it available via Yarns Microsub and setting up import for OPML. Also built a WordPress plugin for
Chris Aldrich to add category and taxonomy feed links to any WordPress page.
Chris Aldrich is improving his WordPress IndieWeb Twenty Fifteen Theme and continuing brainstorming and hacking at options for giving-credit/citations.
- Sven Knebel has updated Kaja to fill the homepage HWC list from https://events.indieweb.org
Aaron Parecki is working on Meetable
Greg McVerry is working on a Poetry Page
AlisonW is mostly designing a sql database to hold her new site.
- Maxwell Joslyn turned his poems index into a collection. Success! Discussion of the day's work posted here.
Christina Hendricks is working on a new WP site and getting IndieWeb theme and plugins.
- Set one up, just haven't done anything with it yet (just has the theme and plugins all ready to go).
Tantek Çelik is just trying to keep up with his 2020 100 days projects!
- Also created a photo stream page to capture the general concept, reasons Why, How to, and some Brainstorming.
- scottgruber.me is adding webmention support on his site.
Jamie Tanna, although not "officially" taking part in the hack day, set up deduplication of certain content types on his Micropub server, as well almost completing Meetup.com support in Bridgy
- Please read through our Code of Conduct
- Session Proposals
- Schedule Grid - hyperlinked to actual session pages
- 2020/Online/Demos
- 2020/Online/Planning - Planning Notes
- Discussion
- Demos
- Etherpad index: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-Online
IndieWebCamp Online typically uses chat, Zoom and Etherpad. More details and links for participation will be posted here on the days of the event. Also feel free to join us on chat to get realtime updates and conversation before, during, and after the camp. (Direct web chat link here.)
- Zoom We will use Zoom as the video platform for sessions, intros, and demos.
- wiki All session grids and schedules will be listed
- Etherpad - All sessions will have an etherpad
- IndieWeb chat - there are a variety of methods/ways to access the various chat channels on the wiki.
- Audio/Video - recordings of all sessions will be placed on archive.org for individuals who did not participate to watch after the fact.
Posts about IndieWebCamp Online: