WordPress Outreach Club

From IndieWeb

The WordPress Outreach Club is a group of active IndieWebCamp participants who reach out to individuals already running WordPress to add IndieWeb functionality to their existing sites. This would include people who have actively requested assistance in converting as well as people who might be amenable to the suggestion.

The Club was founded as an effort within IndieWebCamp on 2014-11-07. As of 2015-07-21, the Club has a [1] on Github.


Looking for help? Try one of the people below.

Looking to help others with Indieweb on WordPress? Join the IRC or just help someone out!


Earliest first. Handle them in any order you can (e.g. easiest first, those asking for help first etc.)

2014-11-05 Gina Trapani


2016-10-08 Evren Kiefer

Check in to see if he needs any help/encouragement [2]

2016-12-07 Steve Dowe

2017-01-25 Colin Devroe


Successful handling of requests! Move from "Requests" to here upon satisfaction by the requester.

2014-11-09 Dan Gillmor


Not sure why, but @indiewebcamp theme/plugins in Wordpress don't seem to be giving me 2-way comments...was working before.

Not sure when fixed, but appears to be working again as of Nov 2016

2014-11-13 David Peach

Unsure if success as David Peach switched away from WordPress for his site.


03:11 davidpeach anybody know how to pull in twitter mentions into wordpress admin in order to reply directly from admin?

Topics Getting Started on WordPressAdvanced WordPress Set UpPluginsThemesExamplesWordPress with BridgyDevelopmentDataSecurity
Primary Plugins Indieweb PluginWebmentionSemantic LinkbacksMicropubIndieAuthPost KindsSyndication LinksWebSub plugins
POSSE Plugins Syndication LinksSocial Network Auto PosterJetPack PublicizeWP CrosspostTumblr CrosspostrDiasposterMastodon AutopostBridgy Publish plugin (deprecated) • Medium (deprecated)
PESOS Plugins Keyring Social ImportersDsgnWrks Twitter ImporterDsgnWrks Instagram Importer
Other Plugins IndieBlocksShortnotesActivityPub PluginAperture Refback pluginIndieWeb Press ThisWordPress MF2 Feeds PluginWordPress uf2OpenIDSimple LocationParse ThisIndieweb ActionsPressForwardYarns Indie ReaderWhisperFollowblogroll2email
Themes SemPress • (SemPress Child Themes: SemPress Lite, SenPress, and Index) • AutonomieIndependent PublisherIndieWeb Publishermf2_sTwenty Sixteen IndieWeb-friendly forkIndieWeb Twenty Fifteen ThemeDoublescores
Assistance Join the #indieweb chatIRC and other chat optionsWordPress FAQWordPress Outreach ClubTroubleshooting TipsWordPress toolsWordPress channel
See also WordPress related wiki pagesCategory:WordPress pluginsCategory:WordPress themesCategory:WordPress sessionsWordPress.comWordPress using IndieMarkAWS Tutorial

See Also