Contributors: dshanske
Tags: mf2, indieweb
Requires at least: 4.2
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: 4.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
MF2_S is a fork of the Underscores Starter Theme with support for MF2 and Indieweb Plugins.
The starter theme has built-in support for the WordPress Webmentions plugin, the Semantic Linkbacks plugin, as well as optional support for the Indieweb Post Kinds and the Communications and Syndication Links plugins.
- Display Notes ** Semantic Linkback Plugin Support to show number of semantic types: Likes, Favorites, Reposts, Comments on index/archive pages ** If the Post Kinds plugin is installed, Post Formats will be disabled in favor of it. ** If the Post Kinds plugin is installed, the response box will be automatically inserted by the theme ** If the Communications and Syndication Links plugin is installed, the syndication links will be inserted into the entry meta section ** Optional support for adding in a location display, for future use.
- Photo Kind or Image Format will display the Featured Image and Caption as a responsive image instead of Content if One Exists
- Filters/Hooks to add additional meta-data to the header and footer
- Initial Release
- Matthias Pfefferle and the SemPress theme. Some of the markup he wrote into that theme was ported into this starter theme