
ICSID offers services for the resolution of international disputes, primarily between investors and States, but also in State-to-State disputes. In addition, it offers fact-finding proceedings to examine and report on facts before a dispute arises. 

Arbitration under ICSID Rules

Case Administration

ICSID provides comprehensive case administration services to arbitrations under the ICSID Convention, ICSID Additional Facility Rules, and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. 

hearing photo

Appointments and Disqualifications

ICSID's Secretary-General is available to be designated as Appointing Authority to appoint arbitrators, conciliators and mediators, and to decide a proposal to disqualify an arbitrator in proceedings not conducted under the ICSID Convention or the ICSID Additional Facility Rules.

 ICSID Hearing Facilities

Hearing Facilities

ICSID offers fully-equipped, state-of-the-art hearing rooms and preparation/breakout rooms in Washington, D.C. and Paris. ICSID can also organize hearings in over 130 World Bank country offices and through institutions with which it has cooperation agreements. 


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Administrative Registry

The ICSID Secretariat is available to serve as the Administrative Registry or Secretariat for dispute settlement mechanisms under international investment agreements and broader economic cooperation agreements.