Yogurt |
instantia de: food product[*] |
subclasse de: dairy product[*], fermented milk products, other than sour cream and cottage cheese[*], yoghurt and other types of milk or cream, fermented or soured[*] |
parte de: Turkish cuisine[*] |
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Commons: Yogurt |
Yogurt[1] es un alimento obtenite per fermentation bacterial de lacte. Yogurtes debe esser conservate inter 0 e 6 °C.
Bacterios lactic thermophile tal que Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus o Streptococcus thermophilus transforma le sucros del lacte (cuje le lactosa) in acido lactic inter 30 e 45 °C. Altere bacterios del generes Lactobacillus o Bifidobacterium pote esser addite. Inversemente, le lacte debe esser protegite de bacterios pathogene como Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus o Listeria monocytogenes.
Le consummation de alimentos fermentate como le yogurt serea benefic pro le microbioma intestinal e le sanitate.[2][3]
[modificar fonte]- ↑ Derivationes: (tr) Yoğurt; (la) Iogurtum - (de) Joghurt; (en) Yogurt; (pt) Iogurte; (es) Yogur; (ca) Iogurt; (fr) Yaourt; (it) Yogurt; (ro) Iaurt; (ru) Йогурт
- ↑ Les 8 aliments que le microbiote adore
- ↑ Caroline Ivanne Le Roy, Alexander Kurilshikov, Emily R. Leeming, Alessia Visconti, Ruth C. E. Bowyer, Cristina Menni, Mario Fachi, Hana Koutnikova, Patrick Veiga, Alexandra Zhernakova, Muriel Derrien & Tim D. Spector (corrigite le 2022-02-28). "Yoghurt consumption is associated with changes in the composition of the human gut microbiome and metabolome". BMC Microbiol.. doi: .