Room: HUB 111D
Contact: [email protected]

The Student Technology Loan Program (STLP) is a free, student-run program that helps support the academic technology needs of UW Seattle students. The program is funded by a combination of allocations from the Services & Activities Fee and Student Technology Fee Committees and is operated in collaboration with Academic Technologies.

STLP has three Seattle campus offices located in the Health Sciences Building (HSB), Husky Union Building (HUB), and Kane Hall (KNE). The HUB STLP office can be found in Room 111D on the first floor inside the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC).

All STLP offices are closed on weekends, UW holidays, and quarterly break periods. Please check the STLP website for additional announcements and closures as they occur. For all other questions or concerns, please email [email protected] or text 206-685-6090.

Note: Although the STLP office is located inside the SORC, Resource Center staff are unable to assist with STLP equipment issues and/or reservations. Please direct all questions to a STLP office location during regular operating hours.

Student Technology Loan Program
KNE 035
HSB I-146
HUB 111D

206-685-6090 (call/text)
[email protected]
Student Tech Loan Program website