Main Desk Literature Bins
HUB Video Wall
Retractable Banners in the HUB
HUB Video Wall
HUB Bulletin Boards
HUB Video Wall
HUB Video Wall
Special Use: Awareness Display
HUB Video Wall
Sandwich Boards in the HUB

As the community center for the UW Seattle campus, the HUB views communications about campus events, programs, and activities intended for UW students and the promotion of the educational mission of the University as central to our mission. To this end, the HUB offers multiple methods for event promotion for use by the UW campus community.

UW’s position on hateful flyers, graffiti.

Advertising Options


Inside the HUB: Chalking any surface inside the HUB and on the HUB patios is strictly prohibited.

Outside the HUB: Outdoor chalking is allowed to advertise campus events by RSOs, ASUW, and GPSS. Outdoor chalking must meet the following:

  • Chalk must be water-soluble and non-aerosol.
  • Chalking is allowed on concrete or asphalt walkways.
  • Chalking is not allowed on brick, stone, or marble walkways, or any vertical surfaces (i.e., building walls, poles, public art, stairways, fences, etc.).
  • The organizer’s name must be included.
  • Fines for violations of this policy will be levied based on the labor and materials needed to remove chalk by UW Facilities Maintenance staff.

Clip Stands/Easels

HUB Event Services provides clip stands and/or easels for events held in the HUB. Requests may be submitted to HUB Event Services as part of the HUB reservation or event planning process. Clip stands or easels are provided on an as-available basis and solely for meetings and events held in the HUB.

Donation Bins

The HUB allows one donation bins to be placed at the HUB Information Desk. Only one donation campaign will be accommodated at a time. Read More


Inside the HUB: In accordance with WAC 478-136-030, solicitation and distribution of handbills in open areas of the HUB is strictly prohibited. Distribution of handbills or literature may occur within a reserved HUB space and only by those hosting and attending the event or activity within that reserved space. Groups are encouraged to reserve a HUB Information Table through HUB Event Services for distribution of materials.

Outside the HUB/Campus: UW and non-UW entities are permitted to distribute handbills and other materials on pedestrian walkways around campus, but may not block the flow of traffic on these walkways or interfere with scheduled events. RSOs are encouraged to utilize the Resource Center tents, tables, and chairs for such distribution.

Housing Ads in the HUB

Please contact the ASUW Vice-President regarding ads for off-campus housing.

HUB Bulletin Boards

The HUB has 11 bulletin boards for postings. All postings must be reviewed and stamped at the HUB Main Desk prior to posting.

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HUB Digital Signage

The HUB Video Wall is located on the east side of the HUB Street and is visible from the 1st-3rd floors of the south atria. Ads and promotions for HUB and campus events, programs, or activities are welcome on the new digital displays. This service is not currently available due to changes in software management, please stay tuned for updates or email [email protected] for more information

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HUB Lawn Signs

The HUB allows use of the HUB Lawn to place staked signage suitable for the outdoors. The HUB Lawn is considered a reservable HUB space and therefore HUB Lawn Sign requests are reviewed and approved based on our event schedule. Requ HUB Lawn signs must meet the following:

  • Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Requests must be submitted via the HUB Event Services online reservation request form.
  • Each organization is limited to 2 weeks of signage per quarter which may be requested either concurrently or as separate requests within the same quarter
  • Up to 4 organizations may post signs on any given day
  • HUB Lawn signs may need to be removed during any scheduled Lawn events. The HUB will provide notification in this case and the requestors must comply with removing their lawn signage for the duration of the scheduled event.
  • Staked signs must use stakes no thicker than 1/16th of an inch.
  • Staked signs must not penetrate more than 5 inches into the ground
  • Lawn signs must be a minimum of 1 foot away from the edge of the lawn

HUB Promotional Tables

The HUB provides 4 spaces on the HUB first floor and 2 on the HUB ground floor for groups to distribute literature or materials. Since the HUB Street is a reservable space, requests for HUB Information Tables are approved by HUB Events Services and must be submitted via HUB Reservations website.

HUB Main Desk Literature Bins

The HUB Main Desk has 14 slots for distribution of literature or brochures as space allows. There is no cost for using the HUB Literature Bins.

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Sandwich Boards & Pop-Up Banners

The HUB allows sandwich board and pop-up banner placement in the HUB on a case-by-case basis and only with prior approval. Read More

Table Tents

The HUB has approximately 340 tables which can be used for Table Tent advertising. Table tents must meet certain requirements and requests must be submitted and approved. Read More