Organizational restructuring
Last updated: December 13, 2024
Organizational leaders may find it necessary to change how their unit operates to accommodate changing unit priorities, initiate new programs, enhance organizational effectiveness, and/or address budget reductions.
A successful reorganization requires preparation and planning that addresses programmatic needs, support services required to advance organizational goals, and effective workforce planning and communication.
Staffing considerations require HR involvement
We operate in a complex employment, statutory, regulatory, and procedural environment. It is critical that you involve UW Human Resources when you are planning changes to your organizational structure that may result in adding new positions, eliminating or reducing existing positions, significantly changing work assignment, and/or modifying reporting relationships for current employees.
Such changes can result in the need to:
- adjust compensation (upward or downward)
- change a professional staff position’s duties in a way that requires review of its civil service exemption status
- change a professional staff position’s payroll titles
- change a position’s FLSA overtime eligibility status
- change the bargaining unit assignment because of changes to a position’s job classification
- layoff or reduce employees
Human Resources consultants will review the factors affecting the need for reorganization and the reorganization plan, if one has been developed. Your HR consultant will also review before-and-after organizational charts and proposed job descriptions for new positions, if you have already prepared them. Your HR consultant will assess the scope of the reorganization and bring in the necessary HR partners to help you understand impact on staffing, procedural requirements, implementation costs, and communication requirements.
Labor relations considerations
Reorganizations that affect represented employees with collective bargaining agreements often raise concerns about:
- “skimming,” the practice of shifting work away from a bargaining unit
- the obligation to bargain over issues associated with changes to the wages, hours and working conditions of employees in your organization
HR consultants can help identify, understand, and plan for potential labor relations issues that may arise.
Change management considerations
Managing change effectively is no easy task. Take advantage of UW expertise by contacting Professional & Organizational Development (POD). POD can connect leaders with an organizational development or change management consultant to provide a framework for change, including:
- Setting the tone. Creating the climate for the change and determining what is changing.
- Communication. Preparing and delivering a single message and vision for change.
- Recognizing and rewarding positive behavior. Implementing and sustaining change, enabling action, and celebrating short-term wins.
Communications considerations
Ensuring that employees, clients, and partners know what is happening, why it is happening, and how it affects them is critical to successful organizational change. See the Layoff & Reduction webpages for guidance on developing an effective communications plan.