HR Operations

Leaves for becoming a parent – academic personnel

Last updated: November 29, 2023

This page applies to academic personnel.

The University of Washington provides leave for most academic personnel employees who are new parents, birth and non-birth parents — regardless of how long they have worked at the University.

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding leave for becoming a parent.

For the birth parent

Following the birth of your child, you are entitled to:

Postpartum recovery

  • As prescribed by healthcare provider (generally 6 to 8 weeks).
  • Depending on academic personnel category or bargaining agreement, may be eligible for paid time off.

Parental leave

  • Length of leave varies by employment program.
  • Depending on academic personnel category or bargaining agreement, may be eligible for paid time off.
  • May request a leave of absence without pay.

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Non-birth parent and adoptive/foster parents

The amount of leave time and/or paid time off you may take to bond with your newborn or newly placed adopted or foster child is determined by state and federal law, and applicable University policies or collective bargaining agreements.
You may take parental leave any time during the 12 months following your child’s birth, adoption, or placement.

Parental leave

  • Length of leave varies by academic personnel category.
  • Depending on academic personnel category or bargaining agreement, may be eligible for paid time off.
  • May request a leave of absence without pay.

Leave for becoming a parent is generally requested as one continuous block of time. With departmental approval, you may be able to work intermittently or request a modified work schedule.

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Requesting Parental Leave

Complete and submit the applicable parental leave form:

Request the entire period you would like to take parental leave in Workday (see Leave of Absence – Sick/Injured or Becoming a Parent User Guide)

Your leave is based on the anticipated date of birth or placement. You can adjust these dates by contacting your HR Leave Specialist at [email protected].

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Length of leave and pay options

For details about length of leave and paid leave eligibility, please refer to the applicable academic category:

How long can I be on leave?
For temporary pregnancy and childbirth-disability leave, including pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum recovery: As prescribed by the healthcare provider (generally, 6 to 8 weeks). When this period ends, your parental leave begins.

  • Parental leave may be requested for up to 4 months and may be extended at the discretion of your unit.
  • You may be eligible for Paid Family and Medical Leave of up to 12 to 18 weeks, depending on the circumstances.

Extended parental leave as leave without pay is outlined on the Office of Academic Personnel’s webpage.

For non-medical parental leave: Leave without pay may be requested for up to one academic year at a time in 2 consecutive academic years.

How do I get paid while on leave?

  • You may be eligible for faculty paid sick leave for pregnancy-related disability; or for recovery from childbirth as prescribed by a healthcare provider within 90 days of the birth of the child.
  • You may be eligible for PFML partial wage replacement while on authorized leave from the UW. UW employees apply for PFML directly from the state.

How long can I be on leave?
For temporary pregnancy and childbirth-disability leave, including pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum recovery: As prescribed by the healthcare provider (generally, 6 to 8 weeks). When this period ends, your parental leave begins.

Parental leave (non-medical) may be requested for up to 4 months.

How do I get paid while on leave?
To continue your pay during parental leave, use any of the following types of paid time off:

  • Vacation time off
  • Personal holiday
  • Holiday credit
  • Compensatory time off
  • Discretionary time off
  • Sick time off (up to 30 days of sick time off)

You may be eligible for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) partial wage replacement while on authorized leave from the UW.

  • UW employees apply for PFML directly from the state.
  • Paid time off may be used as a supplemental benefit when receiving PFML benefits at the same time.

How long can I be on leave?
For temporary pregnancy and childbirth-disability leave, including pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum recovery: As prescribed by the healthcare provider (generally, 6-8 weeks). When this period ends, your parental leave begins.

Parental leave (non-medical) may be requested as time off as allowed by the collective bargaining agreement where applicable.

How do I get paid while on leave?
You may be eligible for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) partial wage replacement while on authorized leave from the UW. Apply for PFML directly from the state.

The following time off types can be used as a supplemental benefit when used during a PFML absence, if allowed under a collective bargaining agreement or benefit program (Note: Not every time off type may be available to every employee):

  • Sick time off
  • Vacation time off
  • Personal holiday time off
  • Holiday credit time off
  • Holiday taken time off

You may be eligible for PFML partial wage replacement while on authorized leave from the UW.

  • UW employees apply for PFML directly from the state.
  • Paid time off may be used as a supplemental benefit when receiving PFML benefits at the same time.

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