Horizon Wiki

Face paint is an unlockable cosmetic in Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. They provide Aloy with no additional abilities, though some face paints in HFW are applied when activating certain Valor Surges.

Once unlocked, face paint can be applied in-game, as well as temporarily changed while in Photo Mode.

Horizon Zero Dawn[]

In Horizon Zero Dawn, face paint can only be applied after completing New Game+ on Hard difficulty or higher, with additional face paint options becoming available for each further difficulty setting.

Once unlocked, face paint can be selected in the Visual settings page and temporarily changed while in Photo Mode.


Hard Mode[]

Very Hard[]

Ultra Hard[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

In Horizon Forbidden West, face paints are acquired throughout the story, as rewards for completing quests, unlocking certain Valor Surges, or collecting all War Totems. They can be applied in-game by visiting a Painter at a settlement, or temporarily applied within Photo Mode using the menu. Using some Valor Surges will override Aloy's face paint for the duration of the ability.



Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 00 No Face Paint No Face Paint A fresh face with no paint. MetalShardsTransparent 1 Common Default


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 08 Banuk Aspirant Banuk Aspirant Apprentice Banuk shamans wear this paint as they attempt the Shaman's Path, a long, arduous trail through the Icerasps that serves as the final test in their training. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 07 Banuk Shaman Banuk Shaman Shamans seek to unify themselves with the blue light of the machines, and so their face paint takes inspiration from triangular Cauldron doors. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 06 Banuk Survivor Banuk Survivor Survive. Prevail. What else matters? MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 05 Banuk Chieftain Banuk Chieftain Taking inspiration from the colorful pools of the Cut, this paint is often worn by Banuk Chieftains when they lead their werak on a hunt. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default; included with Deluxe Edition of Horizon Forbidden West


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 30 Carja Champion Carja Champion The title of champion is the highest honor a Sun-King can bestow, given only to the greatest warriors in the Sundom. This paint signifies their special rank. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 36 Carja Hawk Carja Hawk Often worn by senior members of the Hunters Lodge, this showy makeup is reminiscent of the markings on a hawk's feathers. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 31 Carja Noble Carja Noble Carja nobles enjoy flaunting their highborn heritage, and makeup is no exception. This one takes inspiration from brightly colored birds. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 33 Carja Trader Carja Trader Carja traders often employ Oseram delvers to procure expensive trinkets from Old World ruins to sell in Meridian's marketplace. The wealthiest among them wear this paint as a symbol of their success. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 29 Carja Watcher Carja Watcher Watchful Carja hunters often wear this paint as they stalk prey through the jungles of The Jewel. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 32 Carja Blazon Carja Blazon An accentuating mark favored by Carja nobles and Hunters Lodge elites. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Embassy
HFW Face Paint 35 Carja Scholar Carja Scholar Often hailing from low-ranking nobility, Carja scholars pride themselves on their pursuit of knowledge, wearing this paint to distinguish themselves from more frivolous nobles. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Twilight Path
HFW Face Paint 34 Carja Shadow Carja Shadow This dusky red paint is worn by Shadow Carja loyalists in Sunfall who still openly support Prince Itamen as the rightful Sun-King. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Burning Blooms


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 04 Nora Death-Seeker Nora Death-Seeker The mark of a Death-Seeker. Only the tribe's High Matriarchs know the true meaning behind these blue stripes. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 01 Nora Scout Nora Scout These stripes are worn by Nora scouts as they patrol the borders of the Sacred Land. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 02 Nora Seeker Nora Seeker The rare mark of Nora hunters that leave the Sacred Land in order to protect it. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 03 Nora Warrior Nora Warrior This bold color signifies the status of a skilled Nora hunter. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 28 Oseram Explorer Oseram Explorer From delvers to traders, the Oseram explore the vast wilds in search of opportunity and fortune. These marks celebrate their adventurous spirit. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 25 Oseram Artificer Oseram Artificer Oseram tinkers in the Claim wear this paint as a declaration of their skill. Disagreements over its use often lead to all-out brawls. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Deep Trouble
HFW Face Paint 27 Oseram Wayfarer Oseram Wayfarer Before setting out from the Claim, many Oseram celebrate with a farewell feast, wearing this paint to signify a long journey ahead. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Broken Locks
HFW Face Paint 26 Oseram Striker Oseram Striker Worn by Oseram freebooters, these marks are usually painted just before undertaking a dangerous mission. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Lofty Ambitions


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
Quen Imperial Quen Imperial Paint for the highest class of the Chosen People... or for the pretenders who aspire to it. 5 Champion's Token Common New Game+
Quen Light-Weaver Quen Light-Weaver Admired by laborers and imperials alike, Light-Weavers retell stories from the Legacy with light and shadow. These markings acknowledge their contributions to the Empire. 5 Champion's Token Common New Game+
Quen Navigator Quen Navigator It requires significant skill and status to set course for the Imperial Navy, so there is great honor in these markings. 5 Champion's Token Common New Game+
Quen Officer Quen Officer The marks of an officer command respect - and often generate fear - among the rank and file. 5 Champion's Token Common New Game+
Quen Relic Hunter Quen Relic Hunter To serve the Diviners is to serve the Legacy. Relic hunters wear this paint as a reminder of their great cause. 5 Champion's Token Common New Game+
Quen freediver Quen Freediver Freedivers delve into sunken ruins in search of ancient relics. This paint marks their time spent beneath the waves. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Burning Shores
Quen stargazer Quen Stargazer Stargazers seek the visages of Ancestors in the night sky. This paint exalts their work, finding order among the stars. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Burning Shores
Quen wavewatcher Quen Wavewatcher The safety of any ship relies on Wavewatchers. This paint celebrates their role as the eyes of a fleet. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Burning Shores


Desert Clan[]
Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 11 Tenakth Skirmisher Tenakth Skirmisher Where others fear a desert storm, Desert Tenakth soldiers have learned to use it to their advantage. These fiery markings honor their unique strategy. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Burden Of Command
HFW Face Paint 10 Tenakth Vanquisher Tenakth Vanquisher This Desert Clan paint takes inspiration from the harsh landscape of The Shining Wastes. Those who wear it are skilled survivors and deadly fighters. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Thirst for the Hunt
HFW Face Paint 09 Tenakth Vindicator Tenakth Vindicator A distinctive Desert Tenakth paint influenced by the Visions at the Memorial Grove. It is often worn by young soldiers who have proven their mettle in battle. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete A Tribe Apart
Lowland Clan[]
Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 18 Tenakth Dragoon Tenakth Dragoon Machine hunters in the Lowland Clan rely on carefully set traps and advanced combat training for a successful hunt. This distinctive mark signifies their expertise. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete In The Fog
HFW Face Paint 17 Tenakth Recon Tenakth Recon Taking inspiration from the Visions of the Memorial Grove, this paint is often worn by Lowland Tenakth scouts as they quietly survey the vast jungle of the Raintrace. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Blood for Blood
HFW Face Paint 16 Tenakth Reaver Tenakth Reaver First worn by Nekivva, a Lowland commander who turned pain into unrelenting battle rage, this paint has been adopted by soldiers who follow her example. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Wings of the Ten
Sky Clan[]
Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 12 Tenakth Conqueror Tenakth Conqueror Whether against machines, the Carja, or the other Tenakth clans, many Sky Clan Tenakth have donned this paint to celebrate a decisive victory. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Broken Sky
HFW Face Paint 14 Tenakth Marauder Tenakth Marauder Reminiscent of sunrise on a snowy mountaintop, this bold marking is often worn by Sky Clan hunters as they track prey across the breadth of Bonewhite Tear. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Call And Response
HFW Face Paint 15 Tenakth Sky Climber Tenakth Sky Climber These colorful markings honor a Sky Clan soldier who took to the skies like the Ten and battled a Stormbird in mid-air. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete A Hunt To Remember
HFW Face Paint 13 Tenakth Tactician Tenakth Tactician Worn by Sky Clan strategists, these defining stripes designate a warrior with a keen mind for battle. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete A Soldier's March


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
HFW Face Paint 24 Utaru Ritesinger Utaru Ritesinger Utaru Ritesingers help celebrate life's joys and offer comfort in times of grief. This paint is worn as a sign of respect for their contributions to the tribe. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 23 Utaru Thresher Utaru Thresher These markings are often worn by Utaru machine hunters as they attempt the trials at Plainsong's Hunting Grounds. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 19 Utaru Whisperer Utaru Whisperer When an undertaking requires stealth, Utaru hunters adorn themselves with the delicate patterns of this paint. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Dying Lands
HFW Face Paint 22 Utaru Harvester Utaru Harvester During the harvest season, the Utaru wear this paint as a symbol of gratitude to the land-gods for a bountiful crop. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Oldgrowth
HFW Face Paint 21 Utaru Protector Utaru Protector Worn by Utaru defenders, this paint takes inspiration from the shape of Plainsong's dishes. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Promontory
HFW Face Paint 20 Utaru Birthsinger Utaru Birthsinger The Utaru wear this paint to celebrate a new beginning, often accompanied by the soothing hum of one of the tribe's Birthsingers. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete The Second Verse


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
Specter mandible Specter Mandible Rumors have spread of a machine with blade-like fangs that emerge as if from nowhere. These whispers are depicted in this paint. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Aerial Capture: South
Specter stripe Specter Stripe Shifting at its seams, this strange machine is hard as steel yet fluid like water. Those who have seen its golden tendrils paint them with dread. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete For His Amusement
Specter vision Specter Vision The eyes of a Specter hide beneath bone-white metal, gilded with gold. This paint is worn by the few who have survived its gaze. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete His Final Act


Image Name Description Cost Rarity Unlock
Mark of pride Mark of Pride Together, the many colors of these markings celebrate resilience, hope, and progress towards a better future. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Default
HFW Face Paint 41 Mark of War Mark of War The markings of a mythical warrior from a forgotten time. Its ashen-white and red are raw reminders that although the past is inescapable, it is not insurmountable. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Legendary Collect all three War Totems
Pangea forever Pangea Forever This blood-red paint honors a heroic huntress who faced colossal beasts from long before the time of the Old Ones. MetalShardsTransparent 10 Common Complete Pangea Figurines

Valor Surges[]

Image Name
HFW Face Paint 39 Chain Burst Chain Burst
HFW Face Paint 40 Elemental Fury Elemental Fury
HFW Face Paint 38 Powershots Powershots
HFW Face Paint 37 Ranged Master Ranged Master
Warriors vigor Warrior's Vigor

Wiki Navigation[]

Damage - Difficulty - Dye - Face paint - Flashpoint - Health Meter - New Game+ - Outfit - Trophies