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Elusive Fanghorn is a Salvage Contract in Horizon Forbidden West.


Despite the addition of the alarm antennas and Scrapper jaws, Larend believes he can further improve upon his armor by giving it elemental resistance. Specifically, he wishes to use the armor of a Fire Fanghorn to bolster the armor's resistance to fire damage.

However, while his crew were able to track down a Fire Fanghorn, it had eluded capture due to its speed and agility. Accepting the contract, Aloy leaves for the last known location of the Fanghorn.

Arriving at the riverbank indicated in the contract, Aloy discovers various machine tracks. Using her Focus to isolate the Fanghorn's tracks, she begins the hunt for the machine. Before long, Aloy spots the Fanghorn but it retreats before she is able to approach it. Using her Focus again to follow the machine, she tracks it to a herd of Lancehorns. Unable to get close to it because of its speed, Aloy overrides a nearby Charger to assist in the hunt. Now able to keep up with the speedy machine, she defeats it, harvesting the necessary parts.

Aloy returns to Larend who begins mulling over further improvements for the armor. Before he gets carried away, Aloy encourages him to begin working on the armor before considering further adjustments. Larend agrees and rewards Aloy for her assistance.


  • Talk to the Lead Salvager
  • Go to the Riverbank
  • Investigate the Machine Trails
  • Follow the Tracks
  • Kill the Fanghorn
    • Mount the Overridden Machine (Optional)
  • Loot the Fanghorn
  • Return to Larend


Salvage Contracts[]

Horizon Forbidden West Activities
Cauldrons Cauldron CHI - Cauldron IOTA - Cauldron KAPPA - Cauldron MU - Cauldron THETA
Devotee Outposts Devotee Outpost: North - Devotee Outpost: Northwest - Devotee Outpost: East
Gauntlet Runs Bonewhite Tear - Cliffs of the Cry - Dry Yearn - The Stillsands
Hunting Grounds Plainsong - The Daunt - The Raintrace - Sheerside Mountains
Melee Pits Chainscrape - Scalding Spear - The Bulwark - Thornmarsh
Rebel Camps Breached Rock - Devil's Grasp - Eastern Lie - Fenrise - First Forge - The Hive
Rebel Outposts Bonewhite Tear - Dry Yearn - Jagged Deep - Plainsong - Raintrace East - Raintrace North - Raintrace West - Runner's Wild - Shining Wastes North - Shining Wastes South - Stillsands North - Stillsands South - Stillsands West - The Graypeak - The High Turning - The Stand of the Sentinels
Relic Ruins Dry Yearn - Isle of Spires - No Man's Land - Restless Weald - Runner's Wild - The Daunt - The Long Coast - The Stillsands
Salvage Contracts Barren Light Alarm Antennas - Convoy Ambush - Elusive Fanghorn - Scavengers
The Greenswell Ancient Relics - Plowhorns and Plants - Property Retrieval - Ravager Cannon - Speedy Lancehorns
The Raintrace Colleague and Key - Mine Launchers - Reinforced Components - Underwater Salvage
The Stillsands Lost Supplies - Missing Gear - Pristine Bellowback - Rollerback Salvage
Tallnecks Cinnabar Sands - Landfall - Salt Bite - The Stand of the Sentinels - The Stillsands
The Arena The Arena - Opening the Arena