
経済学者はユーロの政治学を分かっちゃいねえ、という昨日紹介したマクナマラ論説の指摘に、クルーグマンが表題のエントリ(原題は「Annoying Euro Apologetics」)で以下のように反論している。

The point, however, is that while the European project has at every stage combined economic objectives with broader political goals – it’s about peace and democracy through integration and prosperity – the project can’t be expected to work unless the economic measures are a good idea in and of themselves, or at least a non-catastrophic idea. What happened in the march to the euro was that European elites, in love with the symbolism of a single currency, closed their minds to warnings that currency union – unlike the removal of trade barriers – was at best ambiguous in its economic logic, and arguably, even ex ante, a very bad idea indeed.

Mark Thomaはより簡潔に、

I think we get the underlying political motivations. But whether the euro was politically motivated for the most part, or not, economics matters for the sustainability of a political union.


クルーグマンは、ユーロはコストよりも経済的利益が大きい、という議論についても、証拠が無い、として同じブログエントリの中で合わせて切り捨てている。そして、「these aren’t the factoids you’re looking for(これらはお探しの擬似事実では無い)」というスターウォーズの台詞をもじった文章でエントリを結んでいる*1。

*1:元の台詞は「These aren't the droids you're looking for」。