Jul. 21st, 2012

littlebutfierce: (natsume yuujinchou madara guarding)
[personal profile] littlebutfierce
Hi everyone -- just in case some of you have noticed, [personal profile] ephemere has deleted her journal; I spoke to her & she is taking a break. This doesn't mean the need for the fundraiser has disappeared, of course (if anything, quite the contrary!). I wanted to update about that, since I know a lot of you will be worried.

Bidding is open until 9 PM GMT tonight (time zone converter)! ♥

(& also, I accidentally messed up the HTML when editing the post on auctions with no bids or one bid, so for a while I think the "one bid" auctions vanished. I am very sorry! orz The post is back as it should be now.)

Thanks again, everyone.
littlebutfierce: (k-on ritsu finish line)
[personal profile] littlebutfierce
The auction is over! Thank you so much everyone, for your offers, your bids, your signal-boosts, & your support.

We'll be contacting winners to confirm their bids & provide Paypal information for sending your donation -- this may be slightly delayed in some cases, where the offerer stated that they would need, eg. the winner to pay for some of the shipping costs (because we'll have to check with them as to the amount).

Winners, please be sure to check your DW private messages, as this (&/or comments on your auction thread) is how we will initially be getting in touch.

Thanks again, everyone!



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