dorothean: detail of painting of Gandalf, Frodo, and Gimli at the Gates of Moria, trying to figure out how to open them (Default)
[personal profile] dorothean posting in [community profile] help_for_ephemere
User name: [personal profile] dorothean
Email address: [email protected]
I'm offering: A review of any romance novel of your choice (as long as I can find it in English), which will be posted on Goodreads, [community profile] 50books_poc if applicable, and elsewhere on Dreamwidth if you want.
I read romance novels because I enjoy them, but my reviews are frequently driven by the problems that can appear in this genre -- sexism and awful gendered relationship dynamics of course, but also classism (symptomatic of escapism via reading about wealthy protagonists, I suppose), racism and colonialism (especially in historical stories about white U.S.ians and Brits), heterosexism (ughhhhh mainstream romance publishing), etc. But, you know, I criticize because I care, and I also write happy reviews about books that do it right. (Those are the nicer ones to read anyway!)
Examples of my work (optional): See my romance shelf on Goodreads. Click "view" in the same row as a book to read the review for that book. "Romance" is not very narrowly defined on that shelf, which means you can definitely choose a book that isn't/wouldn't be marketed as mainstream romance if you want.
Additional info (optional): The review will be posted within two weeks of my obtaining a copy of the book, excluding a week at the end of August when I will be on holiday. My reviews vary between a couple hundred to over 1,500 words and I will try to make yours on the longer end of that range. You can specify how I should deal with spoilers and whether there are any particular triggers you want warning about (useful if you haven't yet read the book yourself); you can also suggest aspects of the book with which you would like the review to deal in particular. Of course, you and I may have different reactions to the same book!
Starting bid (in USD) $10.00

Date: 2012-07-20 06:58 pm (UTC)
holyschist: Image of a medieval crocodile from Herodotus, eating a person, with the caption "om nom nom" (Default)
From: [personal profile] holyschist

Date: 2012-07-23 01:49 am (UTC)
holyschist: Image of a medieval crocodile from Herodotus, eating a person, with the caption "om nom nom" (Default)
From: [personal profile] holyschist
I sent you an email! And if your reaction to the book summary/excerpt is "AUGH NO" please do feel free to pick something else. (I do wish that paleontology one you reviewed hadn't been so infuriating, because I too am in favor of romances that involve dinosaur trackways.)



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