cd ~hkc

# This site is under a redesign!

Old version can be found here and update notes are here.

cat about.txt

Hello, I'm kc, 21 y.o (2003-02-26) self-baked catboy programmer and system administrator from Russia.

I'm mostly using C and Python, though I know a bit of Bash, JS, PHP, and Lua; may try learning Hare or Nim but not really sure just yet. I personally like C the most, but I prefer Python for larger projects.

Most of things I've learned in my lifetime are self-taught, and so, I don't really have a degree in anything. Though, I probably should...

I don't really like showing off my projects, but you can look at some of them in a list somewhere below.

ls -lt projects/

cat ./connections

Fediverse @[email protected]
@[email protected] (alt)
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
E-Mail [email protected]
efc4334572c9806a[...]@yggmail (pls don't)

cat ./people

# Some honorable mentions of people I know

cat ./updates.txt

# 2024-12-11

I added snowflakes in the background and temporarily changed color scheme to blue-ish colors. Hope it doesn't look too shitty!

Also yeah, claim from the past that it's 100% JS-free is false now, oh well.

# no idea when I added that

If you've been here before, you've probably noticed that this page looks different from what it used to be. I wanted to refresh it for a while, and draft of current design was sitting on my SSD for the past year or so, I just finally decided to give it a shot and finish it somewhat!

Also I left a QR code to it on OMCB board, so some curious people would find it eventually too, and I didn't want to keep old one for that. Fun!

I was planning on hosting it on ESP8266, and maybe sometime I will, but for now it's just a regular webpage, nothing too different. I might add some dynamic generation (probably for projects and stuff), but as for now, it's 100% static and doesn't use JS at all.

