
[email protected]
telegram (channel)
BlueSky (bridged from Mastodon)

200 OK

While processing request, everything worked as it should be

Enjoy the page content!

PRO TIP: instead of GET request, try MEOWing curl -X MEOW

Who am I?

My name is Moana/Moa/Mo (used to last form) Rijndael (she/her)
I'm - 2003.04.06 y.o.

Proud Blȧhaj owner, famous Majitel drinker, God's sleepiest girl, Fediverse micro-celebrity

Playing this life on hardcore mode

meow :з

What can i do?

My thing to live is programming. Currently in love with Rust, but I know Python very well too.
Know a little about layout, but when I need to, I prefer using plain HTML & CSS.
Tried to work with EVM-like blockchains (as a part of job), found them mostly sucks, but still wanna do something fun on smart-contracts
Have expirience in web-scrapping and using unofficial APIs, XPATH native speaker

If you're thinking about hiring me, I have (pretty unformal) CV: ru

What I can't do...

...but still love to


I'm not a proffessional, even not even advanced amateur. But I like to play with camera, maybe sometimes I will found time to learn it better

Coffee & Tea

Just started my journey to a new amazing world of specialty coffee and tea, but already love it

about coffee about coffeshops


People are very complex, and I don't know very much about them, but this complexity is quite... interesting


Transferring emotions and feeling via text is literally magic I want to master


Who can't draw a single straghit line, or trivial perspective and still likes to waste paper? Yes, it's me!
maybe it's because im not straight nor have a perspective..

my drawings


Just look at this website lmao

My projects

Some services I host for you <3

Cuties list (incomplete)

If you want to help me with money, I listed all available methods on my donation page