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This page is about Rampages in Grand Theft Auto V. For other uses, see Rampage.
And before you fucking ask, no I'm not a motherfucker!

Rampages are a series of Strangers and Freaks side-missions in Grand Theft Auto V for protagonist Trevor Philips.


The missions revolve around Trevor getting angry and going on a killing rampage. The main cause of Trevor's rage is the fact that people call him a 'motherfucker' or that they insult his mother. He also gets very angry when people make fun of him for being Canadian or because of his accent, usually with an overreaction to the subjects.

There are a total of five missions in this series. Completing all rampages unlocks the achievement/trophy "Red Mist".

Rampage: Rednecks[]


Trevor before starting the first Rampage.

The mission is started by approaching two rednecks drinking beer outside a Liquor Market on Marina Drive, west of Sandy Shores (denoted by a question mark on the map, though subsequent Rampage locations use a skull icon). Upon asking for a sip of the beer, one redneck begins insulting Trevor before the other one points an Assault Rifle at Trevor. Trevor fights back, acquiring the gun and beginning the mission.

In an earlier version of the game, this Rampage becomes available immediately after taking control of Trevor for the first time. However, as of May 2014, it is only unlocked upon completion of the mission Trevor Philips Industries.

Minimum Completion: Killing 25 rednecks.

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Enemies: Rednecks

Vehicles: BF Injection, Bravado Bison

Gold Medal Objectives:

  • Make 45 kills
  • Get 3 headshots
  • Destroy 2 Vehicles

Rampage: Vagos[]


Trevor before starting the second Rampage.

This rampage can be started by completing Friends Reunited and approaching two Vagos members who are conversing in Spanish in East Los Santos. The members will notice Trevor's non-Hispanic accent and will start asking where he is from. Trevor overreacts taking offense about his accent, steals a machine gun from one member, then he gets irritated and the rampage starts.

Minimum Completion: Killing 30 gang members.

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Enemies: Los Santos Vagos

Vehicles: Declasse Vigero, Albany Cavalcade

Gold Medal Objectives:

  • Make 45 kills
  • Get 6 headshots
  • Destroy 2 vehicles

Rampage: Ballas[]


Trevor before starting the third Rampage.

This rampage can be started by approaching two Ballas members who are loitering near an alleyway in Davis. They will start to offend Trevor and tell him to get out of their neighborhood. Trevor will headbutt a member who is holding an Assault Rifle, and the rampage starts. Be careful, it is possible for the Ballas to fire an RPG at Trevor if he moves further down the alleyway during the rampage.

Minimum Completion: Killing 30 gang members.

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Enemies: Ballas

Vehicles: Ubermacht Oracle, Lampadati Felon

Gold Medal Objectives:

  • Make 50 kills
  • Get 6 headshots
  • Destroy 2 vehicles

Rampage: Military[]

A tank? Really? For one Canadian?
— Trevor

Trevor before starting the fourth Rampage.

This rampage starts by approaching two soldiers who are attempting to repair a Crusader in front of Fort Zancudo. They will think that Trevor is a tourist, and then they will begin making jokes about Canadian people. Trevor gets angry and takes a Grenade Launcher from the truck, and the rampage starts. The Grenade Launcher is the ideal weapon because in this rampage the soldiers always come in vehicles, including Rhino tanks, though it takes multiple hits from the grenade to destroy a tank. This rampage is also considerably more difficult to survive (even using Trevor's special ability) due to splash damage from the grenades and the fact the soldiers will intentionally try to hit Trevor with their vehicles, and, obviously, the Rhinos.

Minimum Completion: Killing 35 soldiers.

Time Limit: 3 minutes

Enemies: Military

Vehicles: Canis Crusader, HVY Barracks, Rhino

Gold Medal Objectives:

  • Make 45 kills
  • Get 6 headshots
  • Destroy 2 Rhinos

Rampage: Hipsters[]


Trevor before starting the fifth Rampage.

This rampage starts by approaching a hipster who is talking on his cellphone around Mirror Park near Cool Beans on Mirror Park Boulevard. Trevor will steal the hipster's phone, throw it across the street, and then comment about the hipster's t-shirt, which reads, "Yes You Are A Mother Fucker". The hipster then gets scared and provokes Trevor at the same time. Trevor takes a Sawn-off Shotgun behind a table and the rampage starts.

Minimum Completion: Killing 20 hipsters.

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Enemies: Hipsters

Vehicles: Fixter, Principe Faggio, Weeny Issi

Gold Medal Objectives:

  • Make 30 kills
  • Get 10 headshots
  • Destroy 2 vehicles

Video Walkthrough[]


GTA 5 PC - Rampages 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough


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  • In addition to the default weapon, all rampages give 25 grenades. Only rampage four includes an Assault Rifle as a secondary.
  • When a rampage ends, the targets of the rampage will immediately cease attacking and flee the area scared, including the Marines in rampage four. There are usually no further consequences, such as gaining a wanted level, once the rampage mission ends, gameplay will resume as normal.
  • Two rampages have some special vehicles:
    • In the fourth rampage, a topless Crusader can be obtained as long as the player doesn't destroy it.
    • After completing the fifth Rampage, the Fixter bicycle will spawn, which is the only way to get it.
  • Due to a glitch, even if a weapon has a silencer (seen also in cutscenes), when the rampage starts, the silencer disappears. Once the rampage ends, the silencer will be back.
  • With every fifth enemy the player kills, an eerie, wailing cry will be heard. These "wails" are actually re-used sound files from Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare DLC.
    • Headshots also trigger a special sound effect; a distorted guitar strum.


[ ve ]Strangers and Freaks in Grand Theft Auto V
Tonya Wiggins Blips-GTAV-388-Tonya-FranklinPulling Favors | Pulling Another Favor | Pulling Favors Again | Still Pulling Favors | Pulling One Last Favor
Hao Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-FranklinShift Work
Beverly Felton Blips-GTAV-389-Paparazzo-FranklinPaparazzo | Paparazzo - The Sex Tape | Paparazzo - The Partnership | Paparazzo - The Meltdown | Paparazzo - The Highness | Paparazzo - Reality Check
Peter Dreyfuss Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-FranklinA Starlet in Vinewood
Michael Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-MichaelGrass Roots - Michael
Franklin Blips-GTAV-381-Barry-FranklinGrass Roots - Franklin | Grass Roots - The Pickup | Grass Roots - The Drag | Grass Roots - The Smoke In
Trevor Blips-GTAV-381-Barry-TrevorGrass Roots - Trevor
Mary-Ann Quinn
Michael Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-MichaelExercising Demons - Michael
Franklin Blips-GTAV-383-MaryAnn-FranklinExercising Demons - Franklin
Trevor Blips-GTAV-383-MaryAnn-TrevorExercising Demons - Trevor
Epsilon Program Blips-GTAV-206-Epsilon-MichaelSeeking the Truth | Accepting the Truth | Assuming the Truth | Chasing the Truth | Bearing the Truth | Delivering the Truth | Exercising the Truth | Unknowing the Truth
Maude Eccles Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-TrevorSpecial Bonds
Rampage Blips-GTAV-84-Rampage-TrevorRampage: Rednecks | Rampage: Vagos | Rampage: Ballas | Rampage: Military | Rampage: Hipsters
Cletus Ewing Blips-GTAV-384-Cletus-TrevorTarget Practice | Fair Game
Nigel Blips-GTAV-149-CelebrityTheft-TrevorNigel and Mrs. Thornhill | Vinewood Souvenirs - Willie | Vinewood Souvenirs - Tyler | Vinewood Souvenirs - Kerry | Vinewood Souvenirs - Mark | Vinewood Souvenirs - Al Di Napoli | Vinewood Souvenirs - The Last Act
Omega Blips-GTAV-387-Omega-FranklinFar Out | The Final Frontier
Abigail Mathers Blips-GTAV-400-Abigail-MichaelDeath at Sea | What Lies Beneath
Dom Beasley Blips-GTAV-382-Dom-FranklinRisk Assessment | Liquidity Risk | Targeted Risk | Uncalculated Risk
Minute Men
(Joe and Josef) Blips-GTAV-386-Minute-Trevor
The Civil Border Patrol | An American Welcome | Minute Man Blues
Josh Bernstein Blips-GTAV-385-Josh-TrevorExtra Commission | Closing the Deal | Surreal Estate | Breach of Contract
Mrs. Philips Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-TrevorMrs. Philips | Damaged Goods
The Last One Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-FranklinThe Last One
Strangers and Freaks (Category) | Missions | Side missions | Beta Missions