The plot centers around Tim (played by Jack Howitzer), a mentally unstable ex-Marine who is suffering from flashbacks of his time in the Vietnam War, including torching villages and raping school girls. At some point, Tim is recruited by the US Government to rescue prisoners of war still being held captive in Vietnam due to the liberals turning their back on the veterans. Tim teams up with old friends Ho Chi and Wandering Hands (Asian and Native American stereotypes, respectively) to return to Vietnam and rescue the prisoners, and kill Communist Vietnamese soldiers. At one point, Tim visits a Venezuelan village.
A large amount[ref?] of products were released with the movie, including action figures and playsets of the characters featured in the film. There is also Evacuator themed children's underwear marketed by Little Lacy Surprise.
The following are transcribed from radio ads from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
Introducing the Evacuator playset and action figures! Featuring Tim!
Kid #2:
(as Tim) Let's evacuate these bitches! Right, Ho Chi? (as Ho Chi) Ah, so, you're a big troubleboat, Tim! (makes pretend shooting noises)
Male announcer:
Ho Chi Bat sold separately. You can relive all your favorite moments from the movie Evacuator!
Kid #1:
(as villager) The savages are attacking! Help! Where's Tim?
Kid #2:
(as Tim) Here I am! I hear some ethnics better be taught a lesson in freedom. Where's my bazooka?
Male announcer:
Bazooka sold separately. The Evacuator playset comes with a Venezuelan village, villagers and real napalm!
Kid #3:
(as soldier) You never take our village, freedom-loving American scum!
Kid #1:
(as Tim) No, but I'll take your daughter, while you watch! Ha ha ha! Right, Ho Chi?
Kid #2:
(as Ho Chi) Ha, so, ha ha ha, you work funny sum. (as Tim) Let's burn this shithole down! You ready, Wandering Hands?
Male announcer:
Wandering Hands Peyote Playset sold separately. Get Tim, Ho Chi Bat and Wandering Hands with their battle action weapons! Each sold separately. The Evacuator playset, ages 3 and under.
Wandering Hands' fate in this film is not made clear in the trailer like Ho Chi's would be in the sequel's featured trailer, and so it's ultimately unknown if he lives or dies.
The arm-wrestling line and the "that's a different film" is a reference to Stallone's film Over The Top, in which Stallone becomes an arm-wrestling champion.