Arco del Oeste (English: Arch of The West or Western Arch) is a rock formation in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
It is located at the northeastern edge of Tierra Robada, San Andreas, just south of Valle Ocultado and west of Las Brujas and El Castillo del Diablo. It juts into the northern Sherman Reservoir, providing pristine views of the nearby Sherman Dam to the south, and features a natural arch and a mesa, an abandoned mining facility, wooden shacks to the top, and a small dock on the southwestern side.
Below the arc there is a road leading to the top of the hill, which can also be accessed on the opposite side, by another road running from the ghost town of Las Brujas.
There seems to have been a mine for a long time ago, probably used by the residents of Las Brujas and towns near it.
Its name translates roughly from Spanish as Arc of the West.
Prominent Appearances in Missions[]
- Arco del Oeste is the primary location of the mission Interdiction for Mike Toreno, in which Carl Johnson shoots down numerous helicopters (named as "spooks" in the game) from atop the rock formation using a rocket launcher to keep a contraband helicopter safe.
- It is also the end-point for the mission Black Project, which is for The Truth, wherein Carl delivers the "Black Project" to him, who is on top of the rock formation.
- It is featured once again in the Las Venturas strand of missions, wherein Carl is tasked yet again by The Truth to rescue two drug addled people, later named as Kent Paul and Maccer.
- Kart - Inside one of the shacks (upon completion of Cut Throat Business)
- Skimmer - At a small dock just south
- Parachute - Inside one of the shacks
- One unique stunt jump