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Sometimes just taking cargo out the rigged economy isn't enough, sometimes you've really got to stick it to the globalists too!
Take a plane and do a bombing raid on some rival traders, then get their cargo and bring it to the hangar.
Ron's briefing.
If my wife's divorce lawyer taught me anything, it's that life's not about coming out better than your opponent, it's about totally destroying him and sleeping in his bed every night. Now, take a plane and do a bombing raid on our competitors, then take the cargo we need.
— Ron's alternate briefing.

Rival base is an Air Freight Cargo steal mission in Grand Theft Auto Online introduced in the Smuggler's Run update.


Ron informs the player of rival traders that must be taken out to obtain the cargo.

The Starling Blips-GTAO-583-SMWp12 provided can be used to help retrieve the Cargo Blips-GTAO-568-SMCargo-Green and return it to the Hangar.

The player is provided with an LF-22 Starling to perform a bombing raid on a rival outfit's base of operations within 30 minutes.

Your plane is loaded with bombs. Lots of bombs. Fly over the base and drop 'em on the enemies' heads.
— Ron's message when approaching the enemies' base.

The player is required to destroy multiple targets Blips-GTAO-432-Temp4-Red on the ground, which are being defended by enemy personnel, with two of them armed with Rocket Launchers. These can include vehicles, trailers, helicopters, tug boats and crates. The targets are immune to missile lock-on, although the enemies can be targeted normally.

Keep it up - you're half way there.
— Ron's message after destroying half of the targets.
WOOAH! They had the cargo stashed offsite nearby. Now that I think of it, it's lucky you never bombed them. Updating your GPS.
— Ron's message after destroying all targets.
The Cargo Blips-GTAO-568-SMCargo-Green is stashed inside the vehicle. You can transport the vehicle back to the Hangar or destroy it and collect the Cargo.

Once all the targets are cleared, the location of the package is revealed nearby, in an unattended helicopter. This can be either a Frogger or a Buzzard Attack Chopper, and the player must return it to their hangar, or destroy it and collect the cargo.

Watch out - you've attracted some unwanted attention!
— Ron's message after collecting the cargo.

On the return trip, the player will be pursued by pairs of Froggers as the initial enemies, while subsequent ones will use Buzzard Attack Choppers.


Possible Locations[]

Location Description Image Map Cargo Location Image Map
Terminal Frogger at southwestern end of Terminal
Farm lot near Joad Lane, Grapeseed Frogger at McKenzie Field
Thomson Scrapyard, Grand Senora Desert