Why Now Is a Great Time to Book a Call With Our Solar Sales Team

Is it time for your high electric bill to shape up or ship out? If your utility costs are anything like the average U.S. home, the answer is a big, fat yes. With the most recent rate hike approvals, the average monthly electric bill will increase 16-20%+ over the next three years!

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What To Expect: Exploring Solar Energy for your Business

Is your business interested in the benefits of solar energy but unsure of the time commitment involved with exploring the option?Here’s what you can expect once you let GreenSpark know your business would like a free solar analysis.1.) GreenSpark will get to work on putting together a comprehensive solar analysis and a free quote for your company.In order to do so, we’ll simply need a copy of an electric bill.2.) GreenSpark will schedule a digital consultation with you to review your solar analysis and answer any questions you may have.Your comprehensive solar analysis will include:Annual expected savingsGross system price, incentives…

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How to Whip Your Rochester Electric Bill Into Shape

Is it time for your high electric bill shape up or ship out? Well, if your utility costs are anything like average U.S. home, then the answer is a big, fat yes. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, the average monthly electric bill in the U.S. is well over a hundred dollars or more, with this amount nearly doubling in some states. Where you live is a big part of how much you pay – or overpay – for electricity. The good news is that there are plenty of simple things you can do as a homeowner or renter…

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