Welcome the UW and other Washington State employees participating in the Combined Fund Drive (CFD)!

We thank you for considering UW Sustainability as part of your CFD giving. We have two funds that you can contribute to: 

Husky Green Fund (CFD code 1479534). Financial support received through the CFD from UW and other State Employees is used to fund projects and/or paid student internships on a variety of operations and academic topics that benefit both UW and students. Funding student internships not only helps students needing fiscal assistance to pay for school and living expenses, it provides opportunities for the students to build strong professional and leadership skills to be used in their future sustainability careers.

VOLT Fund (CFD code 1482345). Financial support received through the CFD from UW and other State Employees for the Voluntary Offsets/Local Technologies (VOLT) Fund is used to fund efforts to expand renewable energy on our UW Campuses. As part of the Another Solar Array Please (ASAP) program, fifty percent of all money received in this program goes towards purchasing a solar panel for the in the next installation on one of the UW Campuses. Each time a panel is funded, a special web page is created listing that particular panel's funders. The other fifty percent supports a variety of activities the benefit our Climate Action Plan (CAP) such as special renewable energy projects, planting trees to shade-cool buildings, and/or campus outreach efforts. If you would like more information on the Another Panel Please program, please do contact our office.

If you have a preference for what you would like us to do with your contributions, please let us know by emailing [email protected].