Comoros Chats About Identity on Twitter

The hashtags #TesPasComorien and #Teamcomoco are stoking conversation among Comorian Twitter users about what it means to be from the island nation.

Twitter users are adding to the conversation under the first hashtag, #TesPasComorien (You're Not Comorian), which consists of anecdotes that a person must have experienced or observed if they are truly Comorian or have lived in Comoros. The second hashtag, #Teamcomoco, seems to be more general, referring to belonging to the community.

Comoros is an archipelago island nation in the Indian Ocean between northeastern Mozambique and northwestern Madagascar. In addition to many smaller islands, the country consists of the four major islands. One of the islands, Mayotte, continues to be administered by France as an overseas department because it was the only island in the archipelago that voted against independence in 1974.

One of the most popular anecdotes is the photo shared by @ElarifC on Twitter, which shows sandals typically worn in the Mascareignes region. The caption reads: “Admit it. You know these shoes!”.

Sandals in Comoros via @ElarifC on Twitter CC-BY-2.0

Sandales aux Comores via @ElarifC on Twitter CC-BY-2.0

Certain tweets are regularly re-tweeted and seem to implicate people who live in Comoros as well as those in the Diaspora. Some, like the tweet by Nafyza Mentos express pride in being Comorian:

@Nafyzamentos: Être comorienne c plus qu'une fierté , on est les etoiles les plus proche de la lune #teamcomoco

@Nafyzamentos: Being Comorian is more than being proud, we are the closest stars to the moon #teamcomoco

Or this tweet from Monsieur Fossettes which describes a style of communication unique to the country:

@Slackersleeper: Nous nos darons quand il nous insulte il aime bien tirer le ” Bé ” de Imbécile mais avec eux ça donne “MmmhBéééciil” #Teamcomoco on se sait

When our parents tell us off, they love to draw out the “be” in “imbecile”, which makes it sound like “MmmhBéééciil” #Teamcomoco

Tweets on culinary traditions also abound:

@Femme_Nkoulou: #TesPasComorien si ta pas un bocal de confiture mais c'est du poutou a l'interieur! Une boite carte d'or avec du madaba dedans

@Femme_Nkoulou: #TesPasComorien If you don't have a jam jar which really contains poutou (ground rice). Or a carte d'or box with madaba (manioc leaves with coconut milk)  inside.

Aiadio tweets an image of a local dish:

@ShariifaBwow: @inesBwow @sophiaboss_ pilaaahou #teamcomoco

comoros dish



Music also receives pride of place when it comes to talking about Comoros. In one tweet, Aksdayday pays homage to Comorian rap:

@Aksdayday : Le Comores il gouverne le rap français wallah

@Aksdayday : Comoros runs French hip hop

In another, Nouky Nouk places the number one Comorian Slam artist above them all:


Some Comorian Internet users seem not to share the enthusiasm for using these particular hashtags for this particular affirmation of Comorian identity :

@KingComorien: Pourquoi vous voulez encore mettre le #TEsPasComorien en TT #Teamcomoco On la deja mis arreter vos gogourouitance

@KingComorien: Why persist with the #TEsPasComorien hashtag for TT (trending topics)  we already did it with #Teamcomoco – stop with your meaningless chatter

@faissolempire : Si pour être comorien il faut se reconnaitre dans ce # “#TesPasComorien” bah je suis pas comorien alors

@faissolempire : If to be Comorian you have to see yourself in this # “#TesPasComorien” then, oh well, I guess I'm not Comorian

The strong presence of the Comorian community in Marseille, France is reflected in some tweets:

@_Maadine269_ : Ts Comorien et ta paw d'famille à Marseille ??? I M P O S S I B L E #teamComoco

@_Maadine269_ : You're Comorian and you don't have family in Marseille??? I M P O S S I B L E #teamComoco

@Ha_biiba : #TesPasComorien Si ta jamais participer au Djaliko Géant à Marseille (si t'es pas de Marseille t'es pardonner mais le reste nan) #TeamComoco

@Ha_biiba : #TesPasComorien If you've never taken part in the Djaliko Géant in Marseille (if you're not from Marseille then you're forgiven but the rest of you, no way) #TeamComoco

Less positive tweets remind of the harsh realities of life in Comoros.

@Comores_Actus : Quand ceux qui ont dépouillé les Comores , font la morale aux universitaires Comoriens , pauvre pays !: Quand ce…

@Comores_Actus : When the same people that stripped Comoros bare, want to lecture Comorian universities, poor country!: When the …


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