Stories about Republic of Congo

Pope’s Resignation Echoes in Africa

  19 February 2013

The announcement by Pope Benedict XVI of his intention to resign with effect from February 28, 2013 provoked many reactions in Francophone Africa, both in traditional media and on social networks. Admiration for the Pope predominated, and was combined with the desire that certain African leaders would follow his example.

Gabon to Mali: History of French Military Interventions in Africa

  18 January 2013

The French military intervention in Mali, known as Operation Serval started on January 11 following the advance of terrorists groups towards Bamako. Lauded by a substantial part of the Malian population and many outside observers, the military intervention diverts, however, from the non-interventionist line professed by French President Hollande in Africa.

A New Start for Barack Obama in Africa?

  7 November 2012

Following the November 6, 2012, re-election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, Africa questions his legacy after four years in charge of an America more concerned with the economic crisis than by its international relations, especially those within the African continent. The expectations of Africans were high, however many believe that a second term for Obama will allow him greater manouevrability on African issues.

Africa: Nelson Mandela, an Icon Transcending Differences

  18 July 2012

On his 94th birthday, the entire world is celebrating Nelson Mandela, and the internet users of Francophone Africa are no exception. Nelson Mandela remains an absolute icon of the African renaissance, throughout the continent. Francophone bloggers have praised the life of the man whom they affectionately call "Madiba", and the lessons learned from his struggle.

Africa: Will Local Content Policies Help Avert the Oil Curse?

  9 May 2012

In recent years, major reserves of oil have been discovered at various locations across Africa. This 'black gold' may represent an opportunity for economic growth, but the fear shared by experts and Sub-Saharan Africa citizens is that the windfall may not benefit local populations at all.

Africa: Calls for Transparency Over Marked Increase in Land Deals

  2 May 2012

Almost 5% of Africa's agricultural land has been bought or leased by investors since 2000. Observers are increasingly worried about the fact that such land deals usually take place in the world poorest countries and how they impact its most vulnerable population, the farmers.
