Stories about Cayman Islands
Too Soon to Joke About FIFA Arrests? Not in the Caribbean!
There was also a video featuring a popular local puppet as he spent a night in jail with Jack Warner, a Trinidadian former FIFA vice president who was indicted.
No Extra Time for FIFA Caribbean Officials as US Justice Department Lays Indictments
There's a frenzy on Caribbean social media today, following the announcement that the US Department of Justice indicted 9 FIFA officials and 5 corporate executives for racketeering, conspiracy, and corruption.
Station's Rights to Sochi Games Leave Caribbean Viewers in the Dark
Six regional teams are competing in this year's Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Caribbean fans would love to cheer them on - but cable providers are blocking the feed.
Rapists Get Off Light in Cayman Islands
Code Red blogs about “two recent cases reported in regional media [which] demonstrate the extent of the injustice which girls who survive sexual assault face.”
Caribbean: the meaning of identity
Creative Commess hosts a blog symposium “about Caribbean people, about West Indian people, about our contemporary experiences … ranging through race & identity to culture, mental health to constructs of...
Caribbean: Caribe Wave 11, the first simulated tsunami alert
On Wednesday, March 23, the first full-scale simulated tsunami alert exercise will take place in 33 countries in the Caribbean to test the effectiveness of alert, monitoring and warning systems...
Latin America, Caribbean: Increase in Food Prices
Bloggings by Boz writes: “The FAO reports that February 2011 was a yet a new high on food prices. This has led to several warnings from organizations in Latin America...
Caribbean: Ready for another earthquake?
As stories and images of devastation pour out of Haiti, bloggers elsewhere in the Caribbean wonder if the earthquake-prone region is ready for the next major tremor.
Cayman Islands: Earthquake Safety
As earthquake tremors are felt in the Cayman Islands, Islas Bellas posts a few safety tips.
Caribbean: New Media & Celebrity Fascination
The fascination with celebrities has always been at a fever pitch, but in the current age of new media and consumer-generated content, it’s at an all-time high. While Caribbean bloggers do not tend to overly focus on gossip, they often tune in on the current story at hand.
Bermuda, Cayman Islands: Look Who's Blogging
Bermudian Vexed Bermoothes is surprised to learn that “the Governor of the Cayman Islands has a blog.”
Cayman Islands: Native Tongue
Islas Bellas says “there has been a little bit of a debate going on and around about speaking English while in Cayman.”
Bermuda, Cayman Islands: Referendum
Bermudian bloggers Vexed Bermoothes and Catch a fire are paying attention to the Cayman Islands’ recently-concluded elections and citizens’ participation in a referendum vote on the country's new constitution.
Cayman Islands: Same Old
“This election has the potential to again be nothing more than ousting current politicians who do very little and replacing them with politicians who are entirely incapable of bringing their...
Bermuda, Cayman Islands: Freedom of Info
“While Bermuda continues to pay lip service to public access to information, the Cayman Islands forge ahead”: Vexed Bermoothes weighs in.
Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Anguilla: New Constitution
Vexed Bermoothes [Bermuda] and Corruption-free Anguilla blog about the Cayman Islands’ new draft Constitution and Bill of Rights that is scheduled to go before a public referendum on May 20.
Cayman Islands: Gun Violence
Mad Bull is monitoring the crime situation in the Cayman Islands.
Caribbean: 2008 in Review
From natural disasters to lightning bolts of the athletic kind, 2008 was a busy one for the Caribbean blogosphere. Here are some of the highlights...
A Caribbean Christmas
'Tis the season - and nowhere celebrates Christmas quite like the Caribbean! Here's a glimpse into what bloggers are doing to get into the spirit of the festivities...