You Know There’s Already a Good Batman-Superman Movie Out There, Right?
In all the hubbub, furor and hullabaloo about Batman v Superman, very few people seem to remember this isn’t the first movie where Batman and Superman share screentime. The actual first movie came out in 1997, was less confrontationally called The Batman/Superman Movie, and oh—it was animated. Well before the Justice League cartoon, DC animated … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Arrow‘s Showrunner Explains Why [REDACTED] Had to Die
Kevin Smith further confirms Ben Affleck’s involvement in writing the Batman solo film. The Russo brothers tease Cap and Bucky’s relationship in Civil War. There’s a first look at the Secret Warriors on Agents of SHIELD. Plus, an update on Bill & Ted 3, and HBO continues to tease Game of Thrones fans. Spoilers Now! … Continued
Warner Bros. Is in Such Denial Over Batman v Superman
Despite the abundance of Batman v Superman’s negative reviews and the film’s swift, severe drop in box office sales since its debut a week and a half ago (even with an utter lack of competition!), Warner Bros. executives seem adamant in learning absolutely nothing from the movie’s problems. The Hollywood Repoter reports (from Hollywood) that … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Another Star Wars Hero Is Definitely Coming Back for Episode VIII
An Arrow star is heading to The Flash, with a twist. Zack Snyder discusses Ben Affleck’s reticent involvement in the standalone Batman movie. Get a whole new look at the Doctor Who spinoff’s cast. Plus, an update on the Last of Us movie, and new clips from Agents of SHIELD and iZombie. Spoilers Get! The … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Turn Your Smartphone’s Camera Flash Into the Bat-Signal
If you find yourself in trouble you can always use your phone to dial 911. Or you can reach for this compact 3D-printed lens that turns your smartphone’s camera flash into the Bat-Signal, summoning someone who can help but who also has a way cooler car than the police do. Designed by Dalpek, the 3D … Continued
Our First Ever Look at Bruce Timm’s Animated Adaptation of The Killing Joke
It’s one of the most famous comic books of all time, and now we have our first look at the upcoming adaptation of Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke, starring Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. A teaser and behind the scenes featurette has appeared for the film, giving us a good look at the the origins … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Why Is Everybody Lying About Jon Snow?
Greetings, one and all. In today’s mailbag: Why does it seem like DC Comics is rebooting itself again? When does waiting in line for a con exclusive stop being worth it? And why am I still getting questions about Batman v Superman when I already answered like 200 of them earlier this week? Snow Job … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
io9Books & Comics
DC’s Comic Book Heroes Are Getting the Young Adult Novel Treatment
Lest there be a single type of entertainment which didn’t have a superhero option, DC has teamed up with Random House to create a series of young adult novels. The first book is scheduled to be Wonder Woman, due in August of next year, and written by Leigh Bardug, the writer of The Grisha Trilogy … Continued
Ben Affleck Has Definitely Written a Script for a Solo Batman Movie
We all suspected, but the William Morris Endeavor talent agency (in a lengthy interview with The Hollywood Reporter) has confirmed: Yes, Ben Affleck, the Dark Knight of DC’s Cinematic Murderverse the live-action DC movie franchise, has written his own damn Batman movie. Before you get too excited/relieved, it’s worth pointing out that Warner Bros. isn’t … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Tech News
The Endless Details In This Custom Lego Batcave Are Completely Overwhelming
A couple of months ago Lego revealed its sprawling Batcave set based on the ‘60s Batman TV series. And as packed full of details as it was, it can’t hold a candle to Dan Glasure’s custom creation that took two months to build and incorporates elements from almost all of the Batman movies, comics, and … Continued
Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice
Given its massive box office, you likely saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this weekend. And whether you loved it or hated it, chances are you had some questions about the portion of the movie you managed to stay awake for. As always, our patented Spoiler FAQ has the answers you seek! What is … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Superhero Movies, Ranked
Thus far, 2016 is the year of the superhero. Deadpool and Batman v. Superman both shattered the box office, proving that audiences can’t get enough of costumes and powers. But what’s the best superhero movie of all time? And what’s the worst? Here’s our ranking of all 109 superhero movies to date. A version of … Continued
All the Ways Batman v Superman Sets Up a Future DC Universe
There’s a reason Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice went with that slightly wordy title. In addition to featuring a showdown between the two DC heavyweights, Zack Snyder’s film was largely created to help set up a bigger DC Extended Universe. How exactly did it do that? We’ve got you covered. Major spoilers follow. Batman’s … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
How the 1940s Superman Cartoon Changed Eveything
The Superman cartoons from the 1940s were animated with a beauty and fluidity not seen before, but they were also hugely influential outside the world of animation. In order to achieve realistic movement, the series’ animator Max Fleischer—who also created Popeye and Betty Boop—used a technique he invented called rotoscoping. The process involved animating on … Continued
By Avery Ellis -
Batlexander Manilton Shows That Batman and Hamilton Go Well Together
A couple of weeks ago, we found that Star Trek paired up with Hamilton was quite a bit of fun, and now, we’re discovering that Batman works just as well. Batlexander Manilton is the latest mashup of the two works, featuring a whole cast of characters from the DC comics. The two work together really … Continued
io9Books & Comics
The Caped Crusade Takes an In Depth Look At The Batman and What He Says About Us
You can’t go anywhere on the internet without running into Batman somewhere. How did the caped crusader go from the original comic books to pop culture icon? That’s the focus of Glen Weldon’s new book, The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture. There’s a whole bunch of books about the history of … Continued
io9Books & Comics
DC Comics Just Unveiled the Titles and Creative Lineup Behind Rebirth
Today at WonderCon, DC comics unveiled the creative team rebooting their entire universe in their Rebirth overhaul. DC last rebooted their universe with The New 52 comics five years ago, and this new series will hit comic book shelves on May 25th, and will last for two years. DC took to Twitter during the live … Continued
Watch How Superman and Batman Evolve In These Retrospectives
We’ve been enjoying Burger Fiction’s in-depth videos on film, and in light of Batman v Superman’s release this weekend, they’ve released a pair of videos looking at the evolution of each character. Here’s the one for Superman: Here’s the one for Batman: It’s really interesting to see just how the two characters have evolved cinematically … Continued
You Can Use Google Street View To Explore Batman’s Lair
Google has partnered up with Warner Brothers to help promote Batman v Superman. In what’s a pretty drastic lapse in security, you can now explore Batman’s lair through Google Street View. I’m not sure what Bruce Wayne would think of this, but it’s a pretty cool way to explore a film set. As The Verge … Continued