io9Books & Comics
DC would like you to know Robin is gonna die this week in Batman, Inc.
My apologies for the lack of a spoiler warning, but DC has gone out of its way to let comics fans know that, if they pick up Grant Morrison’s Batman, Inc. #8 this Wednesday, they will read about the death of Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s assassin-trained son and the current Robin. The news was announced … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Crowdfund a Batman documentary, 3D printing pens, and a WWII setting for Lovecraftian RPGs
If you’ve always wished you could draw objects in 3D, there’s a pen that uses basic 3D-printing technology to let you draw wire art-style objects, and it’s looking for a little crowdfunding. So is a documentary on the power of the Batman story, an RPG setting that places cosmic horrors in WWII, the print volume … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Batman Returns concept art reveals unused penguins armed with buzzsaws and boxing gloves
In Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, the Penguin outfitted his feathered minions with rocket packs so they might bomb Gotham City. But in Tim Flattery’s concept art for the film, the penguins were multi-talents, wearing not just rocket packs but also buzzsaws, grenades, and extending boxing gloves. Flattery says that the rocket penguins with their mind-control … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
io9Books & Comics
What if Batman’s parents died in different ways?
There have been plenty of stories imagining what might happen if Bruce Wayne’s parents hadn’t been killed by a criminal. But what if they had died in another way, sparking a different sort of obsession in their son? Artist Daniel Irizarri takes a goofy look at the alternate vigilante paths Batman might have taken. [Awkward … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Voltron, Kermit, and Donatello sit for their portraits like true gentlemen
We can’t get enough of Hillary White’s mashups of classic fine arts with pop culture. In her latest series, she turns her wily brush to portraitures, with monsters, Muppets, villains, and superheroes as her subjects. White’s portraits are currently on display not at a gallery, but at Nosh Kitchen Bar in Portland, Maine, so you … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Stan Lee makes Batman, Inception, and Star Wars better by adding more Stan Lee
The folks at How It Should Have Ended are pros at cooking up better, hilarious endings to blockbuster films, and Stan Lee has a tendency to show up in every Marvel movie. So what happens when the two team up to insert Stan Lee in non-Marvel movies? Let’s just say there would be fewer Star … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
The Batman movie reboot isn’t waiting for Justice League anymore
Even Batman is fed up with Warner Bros. and DC’s inability to make a Justice League movie. Batman-on-Film has sources that claim Warner Bros., having recently scrapped the latest JL script, is moving forward with its Batman movie reboot. WB’s plan was to introduce the new Batman in the Justice League movie, but with that … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
What should our post-apocalyptic currency be?
Sorry if today’s mail is a little short; I’ve been chased by a group of assholes through what I believe is the entirety of Idaho. Here’s a tip for any other post-apocalyptic travelers posing as postmen — no matter how badly someone makes fun of you for your mailman uniform, if they have a gun … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
io9Books & Comics
You won’t believe where Agent Coulson is working in This Week’s Comics!
Batman and his friends and family will face the “Death of the Family” this week, while Princess Leia will finally hop in her X-Wing to school the Empire in a whole new manner. Meanwhile, Buffy teams up with an Angel star, Rick’s daddy issues boil over in The Walking Dead, and Agent Coulson gets his … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
io9Books & Comics
The 40 Most Amazing Toys From Toy Fair 2013
Every year, New York’s Toy Fair offers the biggest, most astounding display of upcoming collectibles and toys you will soon be lusting after. Today, we hit the floors of Javits Center in New York City and perused the panoply of playthings on display. Here’s the very best of what we saw. These are the 40 … Continued
Meredith Woerner and Rob Bricken -
So… the popularity graph for the name “Bruce” looks just like Batman
This is excellent. Last night a friend sent us this post by redditor TheIndieArmy, who observes that “the popularity graph for the name Bruce looks awfully familiar.” We love coincidences, but the resemblance of this graph to the Big Black Bat — the looming stature, the pointy headgear, the long, billowing cape — was too … Continued
Judge rules that it’s illegal to sell custom Batmobiles because the Batmobile is itself a fictional character
California resident Mark Towle runs car customizing shop Gotham Garage, which makes replicas of cars from TVs and movies. Naturally, Batmobiles were on the menu, at least until Warner Bros. smacked Towle with a lawsuit for violating its intellectual property. Now a U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Lew judge has ruled that the Batmobile is … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Holy action figures! It’s the first Batman ’66 toys!
There’s only two of them, and they’re both just villains, but Mattel’s long-awaited action figures based on the campy 1960s Batman TV series have finally appeared, and they’re fantastic. These are nigh-perfect likenesses of Burgess Meredith as the Penguin and Frank Gorshin as the Riddler; presumably equally fantastic figures of Adam West as Batman, Burt … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
The Justice League movie starts over
Rumor has it Warner Bros. has dumped their Justice League script from Will Beall, and is starting over from scratch. Not great news. Badass Digest broke the news that the studio has dumped their Darkseid-centered script. “The story from each source is the same: it’s terrible. Some sources seem to think the whole movie is … Continued
Up’s odd couple trades balloons for Batman’s cape and cowl
This Up and Batman mash-up art works surprisingly well. Created by Senior Golden Spork at DeviantArt, we can honestly say that if PIxar ever made a Justice League movie, we’re certain these are the characters they would use for Batman and Robin. We can see it now — it all started when millionaire Carl Fredricksen … Continued
Why the @#$% hasn’t there been a live-action Batman TV show since the ‘60s?
In this week’s “Postal Apocalypse,” I explain why a Yoda-centric Star Wars movie is a terrible idea, why rebooting ’80s properties is a terrible idea, and why making a new Batman TV show is a good idea, but one that will never, ever happen. As always, email your questions to [email protected]. Now, on with your … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
io9Books & Comics
10 Educationally Insane Superhero PSA Comics
For most of their existence, comic books have been perceived as two things: 1) entertainment for children, and 2) terrible, morality-eroding entertainment for children. In order to strike back against these perceived problems, Marvel and DC have frequently produced public-service announcement comics, generally referred to as PSAs, using their superheroes to promote awareness of things … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Batman and his Sexy, Steampunk and Occasionally Gender-Swapped DC Bat-Family
It’s picture day in steampunk Gotham City, and Batman brought his whole family to get their photos taken! He even took along his pals Zatanna and Wonder Woman, and also a few members of his rogue’s gallery (Steampunk Batman is very polite). These incredible cosplayers were photographed at last year’s SDCC by Mike Rollerson; check … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Meet the Justice League of Edo Japan
Artist Chet Phillips places Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in a distant era in this Japanese woodblock-inspired illustration. But these three haven’t met an anachronism they didn’t like—especially when it comes to their probable foe, a certain radioactive monster stomping through the background. This print, titled “Sanctuary,” is available at Phillips’ Etsy store, where he … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Christian Bale calls a young cancer patient just to talk about Batman
WARNING: If you are capable of having emotions, the above video will likely make you cry. It’s of 8-year-old leukemia sufferer Zach Guillot, who just happened to receive a lengthy phone call from actor Christian Bale, who wanted to discuss Zach’s favorite superhero, Batman, with him. They compare Bat-costumes, discuss what makes Batman so special, … Continued
By Rob Bricken