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134 lines (85 loc) · 4.33 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (85 loc) · 4.33 KB

Contributing Issues

Bug Reports

Please provide a (simple) way to reproduce the problem. A bug that can not be reproduced is less likely to be solved.

Feature Requests

Please also include the reasoning for the desired feature and not just its description. Sometimes it is obvious, but other times a few sample use cases or an explanation can come in handy.

Contributing Code

There are two types of code contributions.

Contributing Sample Grammars and Examples

This is probably the easiest way to contribute as it does not require any knowledge of chevrotain's internals. And each contribution is self contained and limited in scope.

Sample Grammars contributions are particularly encouraged.

See some existing examples to get started.


  • An Example must include some tests with a _spec.js suffix.

Contributing To Chevrotain's Runtime Source code.

This can be more complex as more in-depth knowledge of chevrotain internals may be needed.


  • ~100% test coverage is required.
    • It is possible to disable coverage for specific code, but there must be a very good reason to do so.

Development Environment

Chevrotain is developed as a mono-repo with a single (temporary state) productive package and multiple example packages.

Chevrotain uses yarn tasks for the development flows. Examine the interal packages/chevrotain/package.json scripts for all the available tasks.

Initial Setup

In the root of this Repo:

  • yarn
  • yarn build

Some basic dev flows to get started

Chevrotain is written using Typescript, so compilation to JavaScript is needed.

  • cd packages/chevrotain
  • yarn compile

Alternatively during development one would want to recompile on file changes.

  • cd packages/chevrotain
  • yarn compile:watch

The compilation result will appear in the lib folder.

Code Formatting

Chevrotain uses prettier to avoid caring about code formatting... To format your new code use:

yarn format:fix


Chevrotain uses several different types of tests to promote high quality.

The most basic ones are the mocha unit tests, which are also often the most relevant ones.

  • cd packages/chevrotain
  • yarn coverage

You can run the whole test suite by running:

  • cd packages/chevrotain
  • yarn test

Additionally integration tests are used to test Chevrotain as an end user via the examples packages tests.

  • In this repo's root
  • yarn test

Running the central CI flow locally.

This is just another yarn task which performs the whole flow including linting / doc generation / d.ts API creation / ...

  • yarn run ci_full_build
    • Node > 4 is required to pass the coverage checks.

Release Process

The release process requires push permissions to master.

  • Update the CHANGELOG.

    • The header must be ## X.Y.Z (INSERT_DATE_HERE) (literally).
  • Update the

    • Only for major versions...
  • Push the changes related updates to master.

  • execute yarn run lerna:version and follow the instructions.

    • This will update version related files and push a new version tag to github.
    • Circle-CI will execute a deployment to due to this new tag.
    • Additionally new website contents will be pushed to the gh-pages branch.
  • Check that the release was successful.


All Contributors must sign the CLA. The process is completely automated using simply follow the instructions in the pull request.