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Sébastien Heymann edited this page Feb 23, 2015 · 4 revisions

Available statistics

Create a new Metric

This HowTo shows how to create a new statistic/metric algorithm in Gephi.

Please look at Plugin Quick Start to know how to create a new Netbeans Module. When you have your plugin module, that we will call MyMetric, you can start this tutorial.

Set Dependencies

Add StatisticsAPI, GraphAPI and AttributesAPI modules as dependencies for your plugin module MyMetric. See How To Set Module Dependencies. Also add LongTaskAPI and Lookup, which will be used.

Create StatisticsBuilder

  • Statistics Builder provides information about the metric algorithm and is responsible for creating your Statistics algorithm instances. All metric algorithms should have their own builder.
  • Create a new builder class, for instance MyMetricBuilder that implements StatisticsBuilder.
  • Fill getName() method by returning a display name like My Metric. Leaves other methods untouched for the moment.
  • Add @ServiceProvider annotation to your builder class. Add the following line before MyMetricBuilder class definition, as shown below:
@ServiceProvider(service = StatisticsBuilder.class)
public class MyMetricBuilder implements StatisticsBuilder {

Create Statistics

Create a new class that implements Statistics and name it MyMetric. This is the place the algorithm belongs. Locate the execute() method, you will add your code here. The getReport() method should return plain text or HTML text that describe the algorithm execution. Create a new field

private String report = "";

and return report in getReport(). That done, go back to StatisticsBuilder and fill remaining methods like above:

public Statistics getStatistics() {
    return new MyMetric();

public Class<? extends Statistics> getStatisticsClass() {
    return MyMetric.class;

Details about how to use GraphModel and AttributeModel are said in the next section.

Set LongTask

To let your algorithm task be cancelled and its progress watched, implement LongTask interface on MyMetric. Add two fields:

private boolean cancel = false;
private ProgressTicket progressTicket;

and implement new methods:

public boolean cancel() {
    cancel = true;
    return true;

public void setProgressTicket(ProgressTicket progressTicket) {
    this.progressTicket = progressTicket;

Use the cancel field to terminate your algorithm execution properly and return from execute(). See HowTo use Progress for more details.

Create StatisticsUI

Create a new class that implements StatisticsUI and name it MyMetricUI. The user interfaces is defined here and allows to be automatically added to the Statistics module in Gephi. Add @ServiceProvider annotation to your UI class. Add the following line before MyMetricUI class definition, as shown below:

@ServiceProvider(service = StatisticsUI.class)
public class MyMetricUI implements StatisticsUI{

First implement description method:

public String getDisplayName() {
    return "My Metric";

public String getCategory() {

public int getPosition() {
    return 800;
 public Class<? extends Statistics> getStatisticsClass() {
   return MyMetric.class;

The category is just where you want your metric to be displayed: NODE, EDGE or NETWORK. The position control the order the metric front-end are displayed. Returns a value between 1 and 1000, that indicates the position. Less means upper.

Now create a new JPanel for your metric settings panel. Name it MyMetricPanel. Add setters and getters for all properties users can edit. Let's say the panel gives the choice on the graph type and has isDirected() and setDirected() methods.

Now the setup() and unsetup() are filled. It follow the injection pattern, an instance of MyMetric is pushed to let the UI control it.

First add fields to store the current metric:

private MyMetricPanel panel;
private MyMetric myMetric;

and fill getSettingsPanel(), setup() and unsetup():

public JPanel getSettingsPanel() {
    panel = new MyMetricPanel();
    return panel;

public void setup(Statistics statistics) {
    this.myMetric = (MyMetric) statistics;
    if(panel!=null) {
public void unsetup() {
    if(panel!=null) {
    panel = null;

The final step is the getValue(), which returns the result value on the front-end. If your metric doesn't have a single result value, return null.

Implementation help

The execute() method gives both GraphModel for getting graph structure and AttributeModel to write results in new attribute columns.

Use Progress

If you know how many steps your algorithm is doing, for instance if your algorithm just reads nodes:

Progress.start(progressTicket, graph.getNodeCount());

and Progress.progress(progressTicket) within the loop.

Lock your algorithm

It's preferable to execute your algorithm in a read lock, in order no other thread can modify the graph while execution. Never return execute() with a lock open, see Graph Locking

//Your algorithm

Write results for each node/edge

It's easy, you create a new column and set row's value for each node. If you want to write an in-degree column, in execute():

AttributeTable nodeTable = attributeModel.getNodeTable();
AttributeColumn inCol = nodeTable.getColumn("indegree");
if (inCol == null) {
    inCol = nodeTable.addColumn("indegree", "In Degree", AttributeType.INT, AttributeOrigin.COMPUTED, 0);
for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
    AttributeRow row = (AttributeRow) n.getNodeData().getAttributes();
    row.setValue(inCol, graph.getInDegree(n));


public void execute(GraphModel graphModel, AttributeModel attributeModel) {
    report += "Algorithm started ";
    Graph graph = graphModel.getGraphVisible();

    try {
        Progress.start(progressTicket, graph.getNodeCount());

        for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
            //do something
            if (cancel) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //Unlock graph
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