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How to execute a metric over time

Eduardo Ramos edited this page Dec 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

NOTE: this example is not up to date with latest Gephi 0.9.2 It needs to be reviewed. Now, dynamics are part of the core Graph API

This Toolkit Example is part of the toolkit-demos project, that can be downloaded from the website.

This demo main aim is to show how to execute a metric on a dynamic graph. It does the following steps:

  • Create a project and a workspace, it is mandatory.
  • Generate a random graph into a container.
  • Append this container to the main graph structure.
  • Create a date column (a simple INT between 1990 and 2010) and set random values for each node.
  • Use the Data Laboratory merge strategy to convert this column to a real time interval column.
  • Get a DynamicGraph and count the number of nodes for each year. That shows how to get the subgraph for a particular period.
  • Put the result into a dynamic data structure, that shows how to store result associated to a particular period.
  • Create a InOutDegree metric, execute it for each year and collect the results in a dynamic data structure.

Instead of generating a random 'static' graph and add a fake date column, a dynamic network can be imported with the GEXF file format.

The demo shows how to get a DynamicGraph instance, and get sub graphs for a particular time period. Note that the dynamic graph maintains only one sub graph at one time, so keeping multiple Graph instances for further analysis won't work.

//Init a project - and therefore a workspace
ProjectController pc = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ProjectController.class);
Workspace workspace = pc.getCurrentWorkspace();

//Generate a new random graph into a container
Container container = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ContainerFactory.class).newContainer();
RandomGraph randomGraph = new RandomGraph();

//Append container to graph structure
ImportController importController = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ImportController.class);
importController.process(container, new DefaultProcessor(), workspace);

//Add a fake 'Date' column to nodes
AttributeModel attributeModel = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(AttributeController.class).getModel();
AttributeColumn dateColumn = attributeModel.getNodeTable().addColumn("date", AttributeType.INT);

//Add a random date to all nodes - between 1990 and 2010
GraphModel graphModel = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(GraphController.class).getModel();
Graph graph = graphModel.getGraph();
Random random = new Random();
for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
   Integer randomDataValue = new Integer(random.nextInt(21) + 1990);
   n.getNodeData().getAttributes().setValue(dateColumn.getIndex(), randomDataValue);
//Use the Data laboratory merge strategy to convert this Integer column to the TimeInterval column
AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController dataLabController = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(AttributeColumnsMergeStrategiesController.class);
dataLabController.mergeNumericColumnsToTimeInterval(attributeModel.getNodeTable(), dateColumn, null, 1990, 2010);

//Use the DynamicModel dynamic graph factory
DynamicModel dynamicModel = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DynamicController.class).getModel();
DynamicGraph dynamicGraph = dynamicModel.createDynamicGraph(graph);

//Get the number of nodes for each period of one year - and store it in a proper data structure
DynamicInteger numberofNodes = new DynamicInteger();
for (int i = 1990; i < 2009; i++) {
    int low = i;
    int high = i + 1;
    Graph subGraph = dynamicGraph.getSnapshotGraph(low, high);
    int count = subGraph.getNodeCount();
    //DynamicInteger is immutable
    numberofNodes = new DynamicInteger(numberofNodes, new Interval<Integer>(low, high, count));

//Get all intervals and print values
System.out.println("Number of nodes:");
for (Interval<Integer> interval : numberofNodes.getIntervals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) {
    int low = (int) interval.getLow();
    int high = (int) interval.getHigh();
    System.out.println(low + "-" + high + "  ->  " + interval.getValue());
//Create a InOutDegree metric to get the average degree for each time interval
InOutDegree inOutDegree = new InOutDegree();
//Compute the metric for each subgraph and put result in a DynamicDouble
DynamicDouble averageDegree = new DynamicDouble();
for (int i = 1990; i < 2009; i++) {
    int low = i;
    int high = i + 1;
    Graph subGraph = dynamicGraph.getSnapshotGraph(low, high);
    inOutDegree.execute(subGraph, attributeModel);
    double result = inOutDegree.getAverageDegree();
    averageDegree = new DynamicDouble(averageDegree, new Interval<Double>(low, high, result));
//Get all intervals and print values
System.out.println("Average degree:");
for (Interval<Double> interval : averageDegree.getIntervals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) {
    int low = (int) interval.getLow();
    int high = (int) interval.getHigh();
    System.out.println(low + "-" + high + "  ->  " + interval.getValue());
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