### Prerequisites * Windows: * [Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/setup/install/windows-install/) * make * macOS: * [Docker Desktop](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/setup/install/mac-install/) * make * Linux: * [Docker 20.10 or later](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * make ### Building the CLI Once you have the prerequisites installed, you can build the CLI using: ```console make ``` This will output a `docker-compose` CLI plugin for your host machine in `./bin/build`. You can statically cross compile the CLI for Windows, macOS, and Linux using the `cross` target. ### Unit tests To run all of the unit tests, run: ```console make test ``` If you need to update a golden file simply do `go test ./... -test.update-golden`. ### End-to-end tests To run e2e tests, the Compose CLI binary needs to be built. All the commands to run e2e tests propose a version with the prefix `build-and-e2e` to first build the CLI before executing tests. Note that this requires a local Docker Engine to be running. #### Whole end-to-end tests suite To execute both CLI and standalone e2e tests, run : ```console make e2e ``` Or if you need to build the CLI, run: ```console make build-and-e2e ``` #### Plugin end-to-end tests suite To execute CLI plugin e2e tests, run : ```console make e2e-compose ``` Or if you need to build the CLI, run: ```console make build-and-e2e-compose ``` #### Standalone end-to-end tests suite To execute the standalone CLI e2e tests, run : ```console make e2e-compose-standalone ``` Or if you need to build the CLI, run: ```console make build-and-e2e-compose-standalone ``` ## Releases To create a new release: * Check that the CI is green on the main branch for the commit you want to release * Run the release GitHub Actions workflow with a tag of form vx.y.z following existing tags. This will automatically create a new tag, release and make binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux available for download on the [releases page](https://github.com/docker/compose/releases).