type file id Infers version 0.2.3 summary Infers is a library for deriving F# values from their types. authors Vesa Karvonen and Anton Tayanovskyy owners Vesa Karvonen iconUrl https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/19616776 licenseUrl https://github.com/Infers/Infers/blob/master/LICENSE.md projectUrl https://github.com/Infers/Infers requireLicenseAcceptance false description Infers is a library for deriving F# values from their types and, in a way, a direct application of the Curry-Howard correspondence. The idea is to view the types of F# member functions as Horn clauses. Using a Prolog-style resolution engine it is then possible to attempt to prove goals given as simple F# types. During the resolution process the engine invokes the member functions to build a value of the type given as the goal. releaseNotes This is an experimental version of Infers and is not recommended for production use. copyright © Vesa Karvonen and Anton Tayanovskyy tags F# fsharp generic polytypic logic dependencies FSharp.Core >= files Libs/Infers/bin/Release/Infers.dll ==> lib/net45 Libs/Infers/bin/Release/Infers.xml ==> lib/net45 Libs/Infers.Core/bin/Release/Infers.Core.dll ==> lib/net45 Libs/Infers.Core/bin/Release/Infers.Core.xml ==> lib/net45