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Various improvements and fixes (#1817)
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* Reduce log level for explorer API errors
* Reduce log level for remote peer invalid open_channel
* Don't send duplicate commands in PostRestartHtlcCleaner: if there
  is already a pending HTLC settlement command in the DB, the post
  restart handler should let the channel replay it instead of sending
  a conflicting command.
* Workaround for lnd bug in reestablish: sometimes lnd sends
  announcement_signatures before sending their channel reestablish.
  This is a minor spec violation, we can simply delay the message and
  handle it later (hopefully once we've received their reestablish).
* Log shared secrets in Sphinx error: Breez sometimes returns errors
  that we fail to parse. Unfortunately we didn't correctly log the shared
  secrets because the variable was shadowed, so we can't investigate
  further for now.
* Fix utxo metric checks: if we're unable to fetch the number of
  unconfirmed parents for a utxo, this shouldn't cause the global utxo
  check to fail. We log a warning and let operations continue to ensure
  the metric is updated.
* Handle ChannelIdAssigned when disconnected: there may be a race
  condition where a peer disconnect in the middle of a channel id assignment.
  In that case, we still want to record the up-to-date mapping.
  • Loading branch information
t-bast authored May 25, 2021
1 parent 98cae45 commit e8c33ba
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Showing 10 changed files with 114 additions and 47 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,11 @@ private class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client
def getUnconfirmedAncestorCount(utxo: Utxo): Future[(ByteVector32, Long)] = client.rpcClient.invoke("getmempoolentry", utxo.txId).map(json => {
val JInt(ancestorCount) = json \ "ancestorcount"
(utxo.txId, ancestorCount.toLong)
}).recover {
case ex: Throwable =>
log.warn(s"could not retrieve unconfirmed ancestor count for txId=${utxo.txId} amount=${utxo.amount}:", ex)
(utxo.txId, 0)

def getUnconfirmedAncestorCountMap(utxos: Seq[Utxo]): Future[Map[ByteVector32, Long]] = Future.sequence(utxos.filter(_.confirmations == 0).map(getUnconfirmedAncestorCount)).map(_.toMap)

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Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ object ExplorerApi {

case WrappedFailure(e) =>
context.log.error(s"${} failed: ", e)
context.log.warn(s"${} failed: ", e)
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13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/channel/Channel.scala
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Expand Up @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
// finally, if one of the unilateral closes is done, we move to CLOSED state, otherwise we stay (note that we don't store the state)
closingType_opt match {
case Some(closingType) =>"channel closed (type=$closingType)")"channel closed (type=${ => EventType.Closed(c).label).getOrElse("UnknownYet")})")
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelClosed(self, d.channelId, closingType, d.commitments))
goto(CLOSED) using d1 storing()
case None =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1701,6 +1701,14 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
peer ! Peer.Disconnect(remoteNodeId)

// This handler is a workaround for an issue in lnd similar to the one above: they sometimes send announcement_signatures
// before channel_reestablish, which is a minor spec violation. It doesn't halt the channel, we can simply postpone
// that message.
case Event(remoteAnnSigs: AnnouncementSignatures, _) =>
log.warning("received announcement_signatures before channel_reestablish (known lnd bug): delaying...")
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(5 seconds, self, remoteAnnSigs)

case Event(c: CurrentBlockCount, d: HasCommitments) => handleNewBlock(c, d)

case Event(c: CurrentFeerates, d: HasCommitments) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2125,11 +2133,12 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: EclairWallet, remoteNodeId
private def handleLocalError(cause: Throwable, d: Data, msg: Option[Any]) = {
cause match {
case _: ForcedLocalCommit => log.warning(s"force-closing channel at user request")
case _ if stateName == WAIT_FOR_OPEN_CHANNEL => log.warning(s"${cause.getMessage} while processing msg=${msg.getOrElse("n/a").getClass.getSimpleName} in state=$stateName")
case _ => log.error(s"${cause.getMessage} while processing msg=${msg.getOrElse("n/a").getClass.getSimpleName} in state=$stateName")
cause match {
case _: ChannelException => ()
case _ => log.error(cause, s"msg=${msg.getOrElse("n/a")} stateData=$stateData ")
case _ => log.error(cause, s"msg=${msg.getOrElse("n/a")} stateData=$stateData")
val error = Error(d.channelId, cause.getMessage)
context.system.eventStream.publish(ChannelErrorOccurred(self, stateData.channelId, remoteNodeId, stateData, LocalError(cause), isFatal = true))
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Expand Up @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ object Sphinx extends Logging {
require(packet.length == PacketLength, s"invalid error packet length ${packet.length}, must be $PacketLength")

def loop(packet: ByteVector, sharedSecrets: Seq[(ByteVector32, PublicKey)]): DecryptedFailurePacket = sharedSecrets match {
def loop(packet: ByteVector, secrets: Seq[(ByteVector32, PublicKey)]): DecryptedFailurePacket = secrets match {
case Nil => throw new RuntimeException(s"couldn't parse error packet=$packet with sharedSecrets=$sharedSecrets")
case (secret, pubkey) :: tail =>
val packet1 = wrap(packet, secret)
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/io/Peer.scala
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Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,7 @@


import{Actor, ActorContext, ActorRef, ExtendedActorSystem, FSM, OneForOneStrategy, PossiblyHarmful, Props, Status, SupervisorStrategy, Terminated}
import{Actor, ActorContext, ActorRef, ExtendedActorSystem, FSM, OneForOneStrategy, PossiblyHarmful, Props, Status, SupervisorStrategy, Terminated, typed}
import akka.event.Logging.MDC
import akka.event.{BusLogging, DiagnosticLoggingAdapter}
import akka.util.Timeout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +85,12 @@ class Peer(val nodeParams: NodeParams, remoteNodeId: PublicKey, wallet: EclairWa
stay using d.copy(channels = channels1)

// This event is usually handled while we're connected, but if our peer disconnects right when we're emitting this,
// we still want to record the channelId mapping.
case Event(ChannelIdAssigned(channel, _, temporaryChannelId, channelId), d: DisconnectedData) =>"channel id switch: previousId=$temporaryChannelId nextId=$channelId")
stay using d.copy(channels = d.channels + (FinalChannelId(channelId) -> channel))

case Event(_: LightningMessage, _) => stay // we probably just got disconnected and that's the last messages we received

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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,13 @@ class PostRestartHtlcCleaner(nodeParams: NodeParams, register: ActorRef, initial
val nonStandardRelayedOutHtlcs: Map[Origin, Set[(ByteVector32, Long)]] = nodeParams.pluginParams.collect { case p: CustomCommitmentsPlugin => p.getHtlcsRelayedOut(htlcsIn, nodeParams, log) }.flatten.toMap
val relayedOut: Map[Origin, Set[(ByteVector32, Long)]] = getHtlcsRelayedOut(channels, htlcsIn) ++ nonStandardRelayedOutHtlcs

val notRelayed = htlcsIn.filterNot(htlcIn => relayedOut.keys.exists(origin => matchesOrigin(htlcIn.add, origin)))
val settledHtlcs: Set[(ByteVector32, Long)] = nodeParams.db.pendingCommands.listSettlementCommands().map { case (channelId, cmd) => (channelId, }.toSet
val notRelayed = htlcsIn.filterNot(htlcIn => {
// If an HTLC has been relayed and then settled downstream, it will not have a matching entry in relayedOut.
// When that happens, there will be an HTLC settlement command in the pendingRelay DB, and we will let the channel
// replay it instead of sending a conflicting command.
relayedOut.keys.exists(origin => matchesOrigin(htlcIn.add, origin)) || settledHtlcs.contains((htlcIn.add.channelId,
cleanupRelayDb(htlcsIn, nodeParams.db.pendingCommands)"htlcsIn=${htlcsIn.length} notRelayed=${notRelayed.length} relayedOut=${relayedOut.values.flatten.size}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +338,7 @@ object PostRestartHtlcCleaner {
def groupByOrigin(htlcsOut: Seq[(Origin, ByteVector32, Long)], htlcsIn: Seq[IncomingHtlc]): Map[Origin, Set[(ByteVector32, Long)]] =
.groupBy { case (origin, _, _) => origin }
.mapValues( { case (_, channelId, htlcId) => (channelId, htlcId) }.toSet)
// We are only interested in HTLCs that are pending upstream (not fulfilled nor failed yet).
// It may be the case that we have unresolved HTLCs downstream that have been resolved upstream when the downstream
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Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class PaymentLifecycle(nodeParams: NodeParams, cfg: SendPaymentConfig, router: A
RemoteFailure(cfg.fullRoute(route), e)
case Failure(t) =>
log.warning(s"cannot parse returned error: ${t.getMessage}")
log.warning(s"cannot parse returned error ${fail.reason.toHex} with sharedSecrets=$sharedSecrets: ${t.getMessage}")
log.warning(s"too many failed attempts, failing the payment")
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Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.Features.StaticRemoteKey
import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants.{Alice, Bob}
import fr.acinq.eclair.UInt64.Conversions._
import fr.acinq.eclair._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{CurrentBlockCount, CurrentFeerates}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.ZmqWatcher._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.{FeeratePerByte, FeeratePerKw, FeeratesPerKw}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{CurrentBlockCount, CurrentFeerates}
import{PublishRawTx, PublishTx}
Expand All @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.DirectedHtlc.{incoming, outgoing}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions.{DefaultCommitmentFormat, HtlcSuccessTx, weight2fee}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.{AnnouncementSignatures, ChannelUpdate, ClosingSigned, CommitSig, Error, FailureMessageCodecs, PermanentChannelFailure, RevokeAndAck, Shutdown, UpdateAddHtlc, UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFailMalformedHtlc, UpdateFee, UpdateFulfillHtlc}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.{AnnouncementSignatures, ChannelUpdate, ClosingSigned, CommitSig, Error, FailureMessageCodecs, PermanentChannelFailure, RevokeAndAck, Shutdown, TemporaryNodeFailure, UpdateAddHtlc, UpdateFailHtlc, UpdateFailMalformedHtlc, UpdateFee, UpdateFulfillHtlc}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike
import org.scalatest.{Outcome, Tag}
import scodec.bits._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1364,6 +1364,25 @@ class NormalStateSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike with
assert(initialState == bob.stateData)

test("recv CMD_FAIL_HTLC (htlc pending fulfill)") { f =>
import f._

val sender = TestProbe()
val (r, htlc) = addHtlc(50000000 msat, alice, bob, alice2bob, bob2alice)
crossSign(alice, bob, alice2bob, bob2alice)

// HTLC is fulfilled but alice doesn't send its revocation.
bob ! CMD_SIGN()

// We cannot fail the HTLC, we must wait for the fulfill to be acked.
val c = CMD_FAIL_HTLC(, Right(TemporaryNodeFailure), replyTo_opt = Some(sender.ref))
bob ! c
sender.expectMsg(RES_FAILURE(c, UnknownHtlcId(channelId(bob),

test("recv CMD_FAIL_HTLC (acknowledge in case of failure)") { f =>
import f._
val sender = TestProbe()
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions eclair-core/src/test/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/io/PeerSpec.scala
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Expand Up @@ -367,6 +367,23 @@ class PeerSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike with Paralle
assert(init.fundingAmount === 15000.sat)
assert(init.pushAmount === 100.msat)

test("handle final channelId assigned in state DISCONNECTED") { f =>
import f._
val probe = TestProbe()
connect(remoteNodeId, peer, peerConnection, channels = Set(ChannelCodecsSpec.normal))
peer ! ConnectionDown(peerConnection.ref)
probe.send(peer, Peer.GetPeerInfo)
val peerInfo1 = probe.expectMsgType[Peer.PeerInfo]
assert(peerInfo1.state === "DISCONNECTED")
assert(peerInfo1.channels === 1)
peer ! ChannelIdAssigned(probe.ref, remoteNodeId, randomBytes32(), randomBytes32())
probe.send(peer, Peer.GetPeerInfo)
val peerInfo2 = probe.expectMsgType[Peer.PeerInfo]
assert(peerInfo2.state === "DISCONNECTED")
assert(peerInfo2.channels === 2)


object PeerSpec {
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