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Refactor bitcoin clients (#1697)
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And improve test coverage specifically for the calls we'll rely on for CPFP
and RBF.
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t-bast authored Feb 19, 2021
1 parent 0835150 commit d9c0b86
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Showing 15 changed files with 622 additions and 478 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.{BitcoinJsonRPCClient, Error, ExtendedBitcoinClient, JsonRPCError}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.ExtendedBitcoinClient.{FundTransactionOptions, FundTransactionResponse, SignTransactionResponse, toSatoshi}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.{BitcoinJsonRPCClient, ExtendedBitcoinClient, JsonRPCError}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.{FeeratePerKB, FeeratePerKw}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
Expand All @@ -39,38 +40,22 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC

val bitcoinClient = new ExtendedBitcoinClient(rpcClient)

def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction, lockUnspents: Boolean, feeRatePerKw: FeeratePerKw): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = fundTransaction(Transaction.write(tx).toHex, lockUnspents, feeRatePerKw)

private def fundTransaction(hex: String, lockUnspents: Boolean, feeRatePerKw: FeeratePerKw): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
val requestedFeeRatePerKB = FeeratePerKB(feeRatePerKw)
def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction, lockUtxos: Boolean, feerate: FeeratePerKw): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
val requestedFeeRatePerKB = FeeratePerKB(feerate)
rpcClient.invoke("getmempoolinfo").map(json => json \ "mempoolminfee" match {
case JDecimal(feerate) => FeeratePerKB(Btc(feerate).toSatoshi).max(requestedFeeRatePerKB)
case JInt(feerate) => FeeratePerKB(Btc(feerate.toLong).toSatoshi).max(requestedFeeRatePerKB)
case other =>
logger.warn(s"cannot retrieve mempool minimum fee: $other")
}).flatMap(feeRatePerKB => {
rpcClient.invoke("fundrawtransaction", hex, Options(lockUnspents, feeRatePerKB.toLong.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(-8))).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JInt(changepos) = json \ "changepos"
val JDecimal(fee) = json \ "fee"
FundTransactionResponse(, changepos.intValue, toSatoshi(fee))
bitcoinClient.fundTransaction(tx, FundTransactionOptions(FeeratePerKw(feeRatePerKB), lockUtxos = lockUtxos))

def signTransaction(tx: Transaction): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = signTransaction(Transaction.write(tx).toHex)

private def signTransaction(hex: String): Future[SignTransactionResponse] =
rpcClient.invoke("signrawtransactionwithwallet", hex).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JBool(complete) = json \ "complete"
if (!complete) {
val message = (json \ "errors" \\ classOf[JString]).mkString(",")
throw JsonRPCError(Error(-1, message))
SignTransactionResponse(, complete)
def signTransaction(tx: Transaction): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = {
bitcoinClient.signTransaction(tx, Nil)

private def signTransactionOrUnlock(tx: Transaction): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = {
val f = signTransaction(tx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,24 +122,24 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC
JString(rawKey) <- rpcClient.invoke("getaddressinfo", address).map(_ \ "pubkey")
} yield PublicKey(ByteVector.fromValidHex(rawKey))

override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: FeeratePerKw): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] = {
override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feerate: FeeratePerKw): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] = {
val partialFundingTx = Transaction(
version = 2,
txIn = Seq.empty[TxIn],
txOut = TxOut(amount, pubkeyScript) :: Nil,
lockTime = 0)
for {
// we ask bitcoin core to add inputs to the funding tx, and use the specified change address
FundTransactionResponse(unsignedFundingTx, _, fee) <- fundTransaction(partialFundingTx, lockUnspents = true, feeRatePerKw)
fundTxResponse <- fundTransaction(partialFundingTx, lockUtxos = true, feerate)
// now let's sign the funding tx
SignTransactionResponse(fundingTx, true) <- signTransactionOrUnlock(unsignedFundingTx)
SignTransactionResponse(fundingTx, true) <- signTransactionOrUnlock(fundTxResponse.tx)
// there will probably be a change output, so we need to find which output is ours
outputIndex <- Transactions.findPubKeyScriptIndex(fundingTx, pubkeyScript, amount_opt = None) match {
case Right(outputIndex) => Future.successful(outputIndex)
case Left(skipped) => Future.failed(new RuntimeException(skipped.toString))
_ = logger.debug(s"created funding txid=${fundingTx.txid} outputIndex=$outputIndex fee=$fee")
} yield MakeFundingTxResponse(fundingTx, outputIndex, fee)
_ = logger.debug(s"created funding txid=${fundingTx.txid} outputIndex=$outputIndex fee=${fundTxResponse.fee}")
} yield MakeFundingTxResponse(fundingTx, outputIndex, fundTxResponse.fee)

override def commit(tx: Transaction): Future[Boolean] = bitcoinClient.publishTransaction(tx).transformWith {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,13 +185,8 @@ class BitcoinCoreWallet(rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient)(implicit ec: ExecutionC
object BitcoinCoreWallet {

// @formatter:off
case class Options(lockUnspents: Boolean, feeRate: BigDecimal)
case class Utxo(txid: ByteVector32, vout: Long)
case class WalletTransaction(address: String, amount: Satoshi, fees: Satoshi, blockHash: ByteVector32, confirmations: Long, txid: ByteVector32, timestamp: Long)
case class FundTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, changepos: Int, fee: Satoshi)
case class SignTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, complete: Boolean)
// @formatter:on

private def toSatoshi(amount: BigDecimal): Satoshi = Satoshi(amount.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client: Extend
context become watching(watches, watchedUtxos, block2tx1, nextTick)
} else publish(tx)

case WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_PARENT_TX_CONFIRMED(tx), blockHeight, _, _) =>
case WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_PARENT_TX_CONFIRMED(tx), _, _, _) =>"parent tx of txid=${tx.txid} has been confirmed")
val blockCount = this.blockCount.get()
val cltvTimeout = Scripts.cltvTimeout(tx)
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Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc
import fr.acinq.bitcoin._
import fr.acinq.eclair.ShortChannelId.coordinates
import fr.acinq.eclair.TxCoordinates
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.{FeeratePerKB, FeeratePerKw}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.{GetTxWithMetaResponse, UtxoStatus, ValidateResult}
import fr.acinq.eclair.transactions.Transactions
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.ChannelAnnouncement
import org.json4s.Formats
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try
Expand All @@ -38,6 +41,8 @@ import scala.util.Try
class ExtendedBitcoinClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {

import ExtendedBitcoinClient._

implicit val formats: Formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats

def getTransaction(txid: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,6 +89,40 @@ class ExtendedBitcoinClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {
index = txs.indexOf(JString(txid.toHex))
} yield (height.toInt, index)

def fundTransaction(tx: Transaction, options: FundTransactionOptions)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[FundTransactionResponse] = {
rpcClient.invoke("fundrawtransaction", tx.toString(), options).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JInt(changePos) = json \ "changepos"
val JDecimal(fee) = json \ "fee"
val fundedTx =
val changePos_opt = if (changePos >= 0) Some(changePos.intValue) else None
FundTransactionResponse(fundedTx, toSatoshi(fee), changePos_opt)

* @return the public key hash of a bech32 raw change address.
def getChangeAddress()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[ByteVector] = {
rpcClient.invoke("getrawchangeaddress", "bech32").collect {
case JString(changeAddress) =>
val (_, _, pubkeyHash) = Bech32.decodeWitnessAddress(changeAddress)

def signTransaction(tx: Transaction, previousTxs: Seq[PreviousTx])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SignTransactionResponse] = {
rpcClient.invoke("signrawtransactionwithwallet", tx.toString(), previousTxs).map(json => {
val JString(hex) = json \ "hex"
val JBool(complete) = json \ "complete"
if (!complete) {
val message = (json \ "errors" \\ classOf[JString]).mkString(",")
throw JsonRPCError(Error(-1, message))
SignTransactionResponse(, complete)

* Publish a transaction on the bitcoin network.
Expand All @@ -101,7 +140,7 @@ class ExtendedBitcoinClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {
case e@JsonRPCError(Error(-25, _)) =>
// "missing inputs (code: -25)": it may be that the tx has already been published and its output spent.
getRawTransaction(tx.txid).map { _ => tx.txid }.recoverWith { case _ => Future.failed(e) }
getRawTransaction(tx.txid).map(_ => tx.txid).recoverWith { case _ => Future.failed(e) }

def isTransactionOutputSpendable(txid: ByteVector32, outputIndex: Int, includeMempool: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,6 +201,21 @@ class ExtendedBitcoinClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {
txs <- Future.sequence(
} yield txs

def getMempoolTx(txid: ByteVector32)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MempoolTx] = {
rpcClient.invoke("getmempoolentry", txid).map(json => {
val JInt(vsize) = json \ "vsize"
val JInt(weight) = json \ "weight"
val JInt(ancestorCount) = json \ "ancestorcount"
val JInt(descendantCount) = json \ "descendantcount"
val JDecimal(fees) = json \ "fees" \ "base"
val JDecimal(ancestorFees) = json \ "fees" \ "ancestor"
val JDecimal(descendantFees) = json \ "fees" \ "descendant"
val JBool(replaceable) = json \ "bip125-replaceable"
// NB: bitcoind counts the transaction itself as its own ancestor and descendant, which is confusing: we fix that by decrementing these counters.
MempoolTx(vsize.toLong, weight.toLong, replaceable, toSatoshi(fees), ancestorCount.toInt - 1, toSatoshi(ancestorFees), descendantCount.toInt - 1, toSatoshi(descendantFees))

def getBlockCount(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Long] =
rpcClient.invoke("getblockcount").collect {
case JInt(count) => count.toLong
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,3 +243,50 @@ class ExtendedBitcoinClient(val rpcClient: BitcoinJsonRPCClient) {


object ExtendedBitcoinClient {

case class FundTransactionOptions(feeRate: BigDecimal, replaceable: Boolean, lockUnspents: Boolean, changePosition: Option[Int])

object FundTransactionOptions {
def apply(feerate: FeeratePerKw, replaceable: Boolean = true, lockUtxos: Boolean = false, changePosition: Option[Int] = None): FundTransactionOptions = {
FundTransactionOptions(BigDecimal(FeeratePerKB(feerate).toLong).bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(-8), replaceable, lockUtxos, changePosition)

case class FundTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, fee: Satoshi, changePosition: Option[Int]) {
val amountIn: Satoshi = fee +

case class PreviousTx(txid: ByteVector32, vout: Long, scriptPubKey: String, redeemScript: String, witnessScript: String, amount: BigDecimal)

object PreviousTx {
def apply(inputInfo: Transactions.InputInfo, witness: ScriptWitness): PreviousTx = PreviousTx(

case class SignTransactionResponse(tx: Transaction, complete: Boolean)

* Information about a transaction currently in the mempool.
* @param vsize virtual transaction size as defined in BIP 141.
* @param weight transaction weight as defined in BIP 141.
* @param replaceable Whether this transaction could be replaced with RBF (BIP125).
* @param fees transaction fees.
* @param ancestorCount number of unconfirmed parent transactions.
* @param ancestorFees transactions fees for the package consisting of this transaction and its unconfirmed parents.
* @param descendantCount number of unconfirmed child transactions.
* @param descendantFees transactions fees for the package consisting of this transaction and its unconfirmed children (without its unconfirmed parents).
case class MempoolTx(vsize: Long, weight: Long, replaceable: Boolean, fees: Satoshi, ancestorCount: Int, ancestorFees: Satoshi, descendantCount: Int, descendantFees: Satoshi)

def toSatoshi(btcAmount: BigDecimal): Satoshi = Satoshi(btcAmount.bigDecimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).longValue)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class ElectrumWatcher(blockCount: AtomicLong, client: ActorRef) extends Actor wi
context become running(height, tip, watches, scriptHashStatus, block2tx, sent :+ tx)

case WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_PARENT_TX_CONFIRMED(tx), blockHeight, _, _) =>
case WatchEventConfirmed(BITCOIN_PARENT_TX_CONFIRMED(tx), _, _, _) =>"parent tx of txid=${tx.txid} has been confirmed")
val blockCount = this.blockCount.get()
val cltvTimeout = Scripts.cltvTimeout(tx)
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Expand Up @@ -16,12 +16,8 @@

package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain

import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.{PrivateKey, PublicKey}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Base58, OutPoint, SIGHASH_ALL, Satoshi, SatoshiLong, Script, ScriptFlags, ScriptWitness, SigVersion, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.BitcoindService.BitcoinReq
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JString, JValue}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{OutPoint, SIGHASH_ALL, Satoshi, SatoshiLong, Script, ScriptFlags, ScriptWitness, SigVersion, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut}
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuiteLike

Expand All @@ -46,35 +42,6 @@ class WatcherSpec extends AnyFunSuiteLike {

object WatcherSpec {

* Create a new address and dumps its private key.
def getNewAddress(bitcoincli: ActorRef)(implicit system: ActorSystem): (String, PrivateKey) = {
val probe = TestProbe()
probe.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getnewaddress"))
val JString(address) = probe.expectMsgType[JValue]

probe.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("dumpprivkey", address))
val JString(wif) = probe.expectMsgType[JValue]
val (priv, true) = PrivateKey.fromBase58(wif, Base58.Prefix.SecretKeyTestnet)
(address, priv)

* Send to a given address, without generating blocks to confirm.
* @return the corresponding transaction.
def sendToAddress(bitcoincli: ActorRef, address: String, amount: Double)(implicit system: ActorSystem): Transaction = {
val probe = TestProbe()
probe.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("sendtoaddress", address, amount))
val JString(txid) = probe.expectMsgType[JValue]

probe.send(bitcoincli, BitcoinReq("getrawtransaction", txid))
val JString(hex) = probe.expectMsgType[JValue]

* Create a transaction that spends a p2wpkh output from an input transaction and sends it to the same address.
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