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Better handling of TemporaryChannelFailure (#1726)
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When a node returns a TemporaryChannelFailure, we should ignore this channel
when retrying. In some cases (such as channels from routing hints) this was
not correctly handled.

Fixes #1725
  • Loading branch information
t-bast authored Mar 10, 2021
1 parent 6364ae3 commit 2772138
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.Sphinx
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.PaymentRequest.ExtraHop
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router.{ChannelDesc, ChannelHop, Hop, Ignore}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{ChannelUpdate, Node}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{ChannelDisabled, ChannelUpdate, Node, TemporaryChannelFailure}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{MilliSatoshi, ShortChannelId}

import java.util.UUID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,29 +158,42 @@ object PaymentFailure {
.collectFirst { case RemoteFailure(_, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(origin, u: Update)) if origin == nodeId => u.update }

/** Ignore the channel outgoing from the given nodeId in the given route. */
private def ignoreNodeOutgoingChannel(nodeId: PublicKey, hops: Seq[Hop], ignore: Ignore): Ignore = {
hops.collectFirst {
case hop: ChannelHop if hop.nodeId == nodeId => ChannelDesc(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId)
} match {
case Some(faultyChannel) => ignore + faultyChannel
case None => ignore

/** Update the set of nodes and channels to ignore in retries depending on the failure we received. */
def updateIgnored(failure: PaymentFailure, ignore: Ignore): Ignore = failure match {
case RemoteFailure(hops, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, _)) if nodeId == hops.last.nextNodeId =>
// The failure came from the final recipient: the payment should be aborted without penalizing anyone in the route.
case RemoteFailure(_, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, _: Node)) =>
ignore + nodeId
case RemoteFailure(_, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, failureMessage: Update)) =>
case RemoteFailure(hops, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, failureMessage: Update)) =>
if (Announcements.checkSig(failureMessage.update, nodeId)) {
// We were using an outdated channel update, we should retry with the new one and nobody should be penalized.
val shouldIgnore = failureMessage match {
case _: TemporaryChannelFailure => true
case _: ChannelDisabled => true
case _ => false
if (shouldIgnore) {
ignoreNodeOutgoingChannel(nodeId, hops, ignore)
} else {
// We were using an outdated channel update, we should retry with the new one and nobody should be penalized.
} else {
// This node is fishy, it gave us a bad signature, so let's filter it out.
ignore + nodeId
case RemoteFailure(hops, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, _)) =>
// Let's ignore the channel outgoing from nodeId.
hops.collectFirst {
case hop: ChannelHop if hop.nodeId == nodeId => ChannelDesc(hop.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop.nodeId, hop.nextNodeId)
} match {
case Some(faultyChannel) => ignore + faultyChannel
case None => ignore
ignoreNodeOutgoingChannel(nodeId, hops, ignore)
case UnreadableRemoteFailure(hops) =>
// We don't know which node is sending garbage, let's blacklist all nodes except the one we are directly connected to and the final recipient.
val blacklist =
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Expand Up @@ -193,18 +193,20 @@ class PaymentLifecycle(nodeParams: NodeParams, cfg: SendPaymentConfig, router: A
retry(failure, d)
case Success(e@Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, failureMessage: Update)) =>"received 'Update' type error message from nodeId=$nodeId, retrying payment (failure=$failureMessage)")
val failure = RemoteFailure(cfg.fullRoute(route), e)
val ignore1 = if (Announcements.checkSig(failureMessage.update, nodeId)) {
val assistedRoutes1 = handleUpdate(nodeId, failureMessage, d)
val ignore1 = PaymentFailure.updateIgnored(failure, ignore)
// let's try again, router will have updated its state
router ! RouteRequest(nodeParams.nodeId, c.targetNodeId, c.finalPayload.amount, c.getMaxFee(nodeParams), assistedRoutes1, ignore, c.routeParams, paymentContext = Some(cfg.paymentContext))
router ! RouteRequest(nodeParams.nodeId, c.targetNodeId, c.finalPayload.amount, c.getMaxFee(nodeParams), assistedRoutes1, ignore1, c.routeParams, paymentContext = Some(cfg.paymentContext))
} else {
// this node is fishy, it gave us a bad sig!! let's filter it out
log.warning(s"got bad signature from node=$nodeId update=${failureMessage.update}")
router ! RouteRequest(nodeParams.nodeId, c.targetNodeId, c.finalPayload.amount, c.getMaxFee(nodeParams), c.assistedRoutes, ignore + nodeId, c.routeParams, paymentContext = Some(cfg.paymentContext))
ignore + nodeId
goto(WAITING_FOR_ROUTE) using WaitingForRoute(c, failures :+ RemoteFailure(cfg.fullRoute(route), e), ignore1)
goto(WAITING_FOR_ROUTE) using WaitingForRoute(c, failures :+ failure, ignore1)
case Success(e@Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(nodeId, failureMessage)) =>"received an error message from nodeId=$nodeId, trying to use a different channel (failure=$failureMessage)")
val failure = RemoteFailure(cfg.fullRoute(route), e)
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Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.MultiPartPaymentLifecycle._
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentError.RetryExhausted
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentInitiator.SendPaymentConfig
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.PaymentLifecycle.SendPaymentToRoute
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.RouteNotFound
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router._
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.{Announcements, RouteNotFound}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._
import org.scalatest.Outcome
import org.scalatest.funsuite.FixtureAnyFunSuiteLike
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,6 +261,30 @@ class MultiPartPaymentLifecycleSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with FixtureAnyFunS
assert(router.expectMsgType[RouteRequest].assistedRoutes.head.head === ExtraHop(b, channelUpdate.shortChannelId, 250 msat, 150, CltvExpiryDelta(24)))

test("retry with ignored routing hints (temporary channel failure)") { f =>
import f._

// The B -> E channel is private and provided in the invoice routing hints.
val routingHint = ExtraHop(b, hop_be.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop_be.lastUpdate.feeBaseMsat, hop_be.lastUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths, hop_be.lastUpdate.cltvExpiryDelta)
val payment = SendMultiPartPayment(sender.ref, randomBytes32, e, finalAmount, expiry, 3, routeParams = Some(routeParams), assistedRoutes = List(List(routingHint)))
sender.send(payFsm, payment)
assert(router.expectMsgType[RouteRequest].assistedRoutes.head.head === routingHint)
val route = Route(finalAmount, hop_ab_1 :: hop_be :: Nil)
router.send(payFsm, RouteResponse(Seq(route)))
childPayFsm.expectNoMsg(100 millis)

// B doesn't have enough liquidity on this channel.
// NB: we need a channel update with a valid signature, otherwise we'll ignore the node instead of this specific channel.
val channelUpdate = Announcements.makeChannelUpdate(hop_be.lastUpdate.chainHash, priv_b, e, hop_be.lastUpdate.shortChannelId, hop_be.lastUpdate.cltvExpiryDelta, hop_be.lastUpdate.htlcMinimumMsat, hop_be.lastUpdate.feeBaseMsat, hop_be.lastUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths, hop_be.lastUpdate.htlcMaximumMsat.get)
val childId = payFsm.stateData.asInstanceOf[PaymentProgress].pending.keys.head
childPayFsm.send(payFsm, PaymentFailed(childId, paymentHash, Seq(RemoteFailure(route.hops, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(b, TemporaryChannelFailure(channelUpdate))))))
// We update the routing hints accordingly before requesting a new route and ignore the channel.
val routeRequest = router.expectMsgType[RouteRequest]
assert(routeRequest.assistedRoutes.head.head === routingHint)
assert( === Set(channelUpdate.shortChannelId))

test("update routing hints") { _ =>
val routingHints = Seq(
Seq(ExtraHop(a, ShortChannelId(1), 10 msat, 0, CltvExpiryDelta(12)), ExtraHop(b, ShortChannelId(2), 0 msat, 100, CltvExpiryDelta(24))),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,7 +560,8 @@ object MultiPartPaymentLifecycleSpec {
* where a has multiple channels with each of his peers.

val a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: Nil = Seq.fill(5)(randomKey.publicKey)
val priv_a :: priv_b :: priv_c :: priv_d :: priv_e :: Nil = Seq.fill(5)(randomKey)
val a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: Nil = Seq(priv_a, priv_b, priv_c, priv_d, priv_e).map(_.publicKey)
val channelId_ab_1 = ShortChannelId(1)
val channelId_ab_2 = ShortChannelId(2)
val channelId_be = ShortChannelId(3)
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Expand Up @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class PaymentLifecycleSpec extends BaseRouterSpec {
// payment lifecycle forwards the embedded channelUpdate to the router
awaitCond(paymentFSM.stateName == WAITING_FOR_ROUTE)
routerForwarder.expectMsg(defaultRouteRequest(a, d, cfg))
routerForwarder.expectMsg(defaultRouteRequest(a, d, cfg).copy(ignore = Ignore(Set.empty, Set(ChannelDesc(update_bc.shortChannelId, b, c)))))
// we allow 2 tries, so we send a 2nd request to the router
assert(sender.expectMsgType[PaymentFailed].failures === RemoteFailure(route.hops, Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket(b, failure)) :: LocalFailure(Nil, RouteNotFound) :: Nil)
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