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This CGIT instance is deprecated, and repositories have been moved to Gitlab or Github. See the repository descriptions for specific locations.

BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastercatch up with developmentRalf Mollik5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-09-09catch up with developmentHEADmasterRalf Mollik2-76/+106
2019-07-15catch up with developmentRalf Mollik2-4/+8
2019-04-25refactoring of dialog model and codeRalf Mollik31-11482/+13187
2019-01-30catch up with branch dailyRalf Mollik51-20674/+22016
2018-11-07catch up with branch dailyRalf Mollik35-12660/+15441
2018-07-09catch up with branch developmentRalf Mollik33-102/+106
2018-06-28, migrate to EPL 2.0 and ...Ralf Mollik156-8520/+9294
2018-04-04rename fileRalf Mollik1-0/+106
2018-04-04rename fileRalf Mollik1-106/+0
2018-04-04catch up with developmentRalf Mollik2-42/+10
ssh://[email protected]:29418/osbp/org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.dialog.git

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