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Forked from skvark/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Save vargo/ae0de569f904cab2ad7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Do this at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any damage caused to your board.

My Intel Edison was shipped to me with old and buggy version of the Yocto Linux image. I purchased only the console block via Sparkfun (which has only one USB port connected to UART2 (serial connection) of the Edison therefore it's not connected to the actual USB on Edison) so I could not update to a new build the normal way.

I assume you have successfully connected to the Edison via the serial connection and can use the linux console on Edison.

  1. Connect the Edison into a local WiFi network with configure_edison --wifi
  2. Check that you can access to the Edison via SSH or with browser
    • if you can't, vi /etc/systemd/system/ and change the ip addresses to i.e
  3. On Edison, cd /
  4. mkdir update
  5. mkfs.vfat -F32 -I /dev/mmcblk0p9 (mmcblk0p9 is the partition which will contain the new FW files, command formats it to FAT32)
  6. mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p9 /update/ (mount the partition to the /update)
  7. Connect to the Edison i.e. with FileZilla and move the update .zip file (can be found from Intel www site) to the /update folder on Edison. Alternative is to directly download from the intel website using wget
  8. cd /update
  9. mkdir temp
  10. unzip -d temp
  11. rm
  12. mv temp/ota_update.scr . (ota_update.scr must be first in the folder hence this)
  13. mv temp/* .
  14. rm -rf temp
  15. reboot ota

If everything is fine, Edison should now boot and start the upgrade process automatically. It takes couple of minutes and after that you have more robust version of the Yocto image up and running. I recommend running configure_edison --setup after the update process.

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