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vargo /
Created October 25, 2024 08:58 — forked from Hengjie/
How to passthrough SATA drives directly on VMWare ESXI 6.5 as RDMs

How to passthrough SATA drives directly on VMWare EXSI 6.5 as RDMs

There aren't many tutorials about this, the only tutorials I've found were about passing through entire PCIe cards to VMs, or refered to old ESXI versions (below 6.5) that used a more comprehensive desktop client instead of the web app. In v6.5, the web app was introduced and the desktop client was deprecated. You used to be able to setup RDMs in the desktop client, but with the introduction of the web console, this is no longer the case. This tutorial shows you how to pass SATA HDDs to the virtual machine on VMWare ESXI 6.5. This tutorial is partially based on VMWare's own KB and the now deprecated Forza IT blog post.

A word about VMWare ESXI 6.7

There is now an option while editing your VM's settings to add a New raw disk when you click `Add ha

Do this at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any damage caused to your board.

My Intel Edison was shipped to me with old and buggy version of the Yocto Linux image. I purchased only the console block via Sparkfun (which has only one USB port connected to UART2 (serial connection) of the Edison therefore it's not connected to the actual USB on Edison) so I could not update to a new build the normal way.

I assume you have successfully connected to the Edison via the serial connection and can use the linux console on Edison.

  1. Connect the Edison into a local WiFi network with configure_edison --wifi
  2. Check that you can access to the Edison via SSH or with browser
    • if you can't, vi /etc/systemd/system/ and change the ip addresses to i.e
  3. On Edison, cd /