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nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:54 — forked from bradtraversy/
Markdown Cheat Sheet

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

This text is italic

nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:53 — forked from bradtraversy/
Basic Shell Scripting
#! /bin/bash
# echo Hello World!
# Uppercase by convention
# Letters, numbers, underscores
# echo "My name is $NAME"
nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:53 — forked from bradtraversy/
SSH & DevOps Crash Course Snippets

SSH Cheat Sheet

This sheet goes along with this SSH YouTube tutorial

Login via SSH with password (LOCAL SERVER)

$ ssh [email protected]

Create folder, file, install Apache (Just messing around)

$ mkdir test

$ cd test

nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:53 — forked from bradtraversy/
Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Show commands & management commands

$ docker

Docker version info

nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:53 — forked from bradtraversy/
Pipenv cheat sheet for common commands

Pipenv Cheat Sheet

Install pipenv

pip3 install pipenv


pipenv shell
nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:52 — forked from bradtraversy/
Django Deployment - Digital Ocean

Django Deployment to Ubuntu 18.04

In this guide I will go through all the steps to create a VPS, secure it and deploy a Django application. This is a summarized document from this digital ocean doc

Any commands with "$" at the beginning run on your local machine and any "#" run when logged into the server

Create A Digital Ocean Droplet

Use this link and get $10 free. Just select the $5 plan unless this a production app.

nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:52 — forked from bradtraversy/
Docker Compose FIle For Wordpress, MySQL & phpmyadmin

Wordpress & Docker

This file will setup Wordpress, MySQL & PHPMyAdmin with a single command. Add the code below to a file called "docker-compose.yaml" and run the command

$ docker-compose up -d

# To Tear Down
$ docker-compose down --volumes
nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:51 — forked from bradtraversy/
Helpful shortcuts for VSCode

VSCode Shortcuts

List of helpful shortcuts for faster coding

If you have any other helpful shortcuts, feel free to add in the comments of this gist :)

Official List of all commands

nirranjan9 /
Created February 26, 2023 08:51 — forked from bradtraversy/
MySQL Cheat Sheet

MySQL Cheat Sheet

Help with SQL commands to interact with a MySQL database

MySQL Locations

  • Mac /usr/local/mysql/bin
  • Windows /Program Files/MySQL/MySQL version/bin
  • Xampp /xampp/mysql/bin

Add mysql to your PATH

nirranjan9 / rethinkdb_cheat_sheet.MD
Created February 26, 2023 08:50 — forked from bradtraversy/rethinkdb_cheat_sheet.MD
RethinkDB Query Cheat Sheet

RethinkDB Cheat Sheet

Create database


List databases