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bkrajendra / cleanupUnusedWorkspaceInSlaves.groovy
Last active January 17, 2025 07:01 — forked from ceilfors/cleanupUnusedWorkspaceInSlaves.groovy
When you delete jobs in Jenkins, the corresponding workspaces in the build slaves won't be deleted automatically. This Jenkins script will go to each slave and check if the jobs are already deleted in Jenkins master and delete the workspace.
import com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder
import hudson.FilePath
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
def boolean isFolder(String name) {
def item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(name)
return item instanceof Folder
def deleteUnusedWorkspace(FilePath root, String path, Boolean dryRun) {
ij96 /
Created November 17, 2019 19:22
Instruction on how to program ATtiny85 via Arduino

How to: program ATtiny85 via Arduino

Configure Arduino as ISP

  • connect Arduino to the PC.
  • open Arduino IDE.
  • open the ArduinoISP example file (File > Examples > ArduinoISP).
  • note: if using Arduino Mega, modify the following lines from:
#define RESET 10
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<title>HTML5 Canvas Rectangles</title>
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<title>Canvas Player Rotation</title>
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Moyf / LiteDatabase-en.js
Last active January 17, 2025 06:55
DVJS Code - Lite Database for Obsidian
const useList = false;
const curNote = dv.current();
if (!curNote){
dv.span("The current document is not loaded, please reopen it.");
let tarFile = await app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(curNote.file.path);
// Get the meta data of the current file
const curFileMeta = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(tarFile);
const headings = curFileMeta.headings;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>HTML5 Canvas Rectangles</title>
body {
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display: flex;
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<title>HTML5 Canvas Rectangles</title>
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judge2020 /
Last active January 17, 2025 06:49
Download TikTok Favorites


  1. Sign into and go to your profile
  2. Click favorites or likes
  3. scroll down till all your videos load
  4. paste the script in console and run it
  5. Script will download the file containing newline-delimited links
  6. download via yt-dlp like so:

Setup Altserver Linux on Raspberry Pi with Wifi Refresh

This is a rough outline on how to setup altserver-linux on the 🍓🍰. Wifi refreshing is enabled through the use of netmuxd, which acts as a proxy from AltServer to the iDevice (replaces/enhances usbmuxd).

Tutorials used


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<title>HTML5 Canvas Rectangles</title>
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